Drabble: The Father Will Kill the Son

Feb 03, 2012 12:27

Title: The Father Will Kill the Son
Fandom: Angel / Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Prompt: Betrayal

Disclaimer: Being the property of their respective copyright holders, The Avengers, its characters or any other publicly recognisable names don’t belong to me in any way, shape or form. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: Written for Themed Drabbles at whedonland. 26/01/12.

Once he had been a Watcher, a trustworthy, honest, and upright man. If anyone had ever doubted he was to going change one day, it certainly would not have been him. These virtues had meant the world to him until everything had broken down, when his former life suddenly had started to become the life of a stranger.

Sunnydale and Los Angeles had opened his eyes, forced him to realise the world was not a place dividable in good and evil, black and white. He, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, and his betrayal were the perfect evidence.

The Father will kill the Son...

fandom :: angel, character :: wesley wyndam-pryce, fandom :: btvs, !fanfic, .comm: whedonland

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