Okay! *claps hands* Before we get to the heir poll, I had certain challenges I had to complete. Let's see...
1. Marry in a service Sim - check! The burglar can now be checked off of the master list.
2. Decorate the house in the theme of the service Sim's industry - check! The Burglar theme was black and white, which I managed in their house quite well, and also in the family's Everyday clothing.
3. The heir can never hold down an official job - check! Phoenix earned her fortune through painting, writing novels, and selling the junk she dug up in the yard. Rocks and old bones are surprisingly lucrative.
4. The service Sim spouse must get a job in the field most appropriate to their industry - check! Russ found a job in the Criminal profession and soared his way to the top.
5. The heir must maximize their one true hobby - check! Despite Phoenix's general reluctance to do it. Every time I tried to get her to do outdoor things (her OTH was Nature), she'd get bored and wander off really quickly.
6. The kids must be given names that relate back to their service Sim parent's occupation - check! Einbrecher, Voleur and Murtovaras are all words for “burglar” in other languages. Cloak and Dagger also relate, but are just plain funny.
I went into this wanting to marry in the burglar. It was tricky, but doable. For the story, I very, very loosely followed the tale of
Bluebeard. Mainly the part about keeping secret what Russ was really up to, and not the part about the room full of previous wife corpses.
Phoenix's lifetime want was 50 Dream Dates, and sorry sweetie, not happening. She got permaplat through lifetime happiness, though. Russ, who was a Family Sim, wanted a golden wedding anniversary-easy peasy. He got his want. Despite the story plot, as Sims the two of them had only one bolt of chemistry but didn't let that stop them. If I left them to their own devices, ACR made sure they stood in one place and flirted constantly for hours.
On to our heirs!
Einbrecher Bear is powerfully motivated by money. As the eldest child, he has always had a strong sense of responsibility for his younger siblings. He is a provider and is very focused in finding a good job so that he can be caretaker to his family. As with his siblings, he is very well aware of his father's career, and that this career has been hidden from his mother. Unlike his siblings, Einbrecher has shown an interest in following his father in the family profession, and has responded positively to overtures from his father into working his way up to take Russ' place in the empire.
Einbrecher is not terribly hung up on looks, when it comes to partners. He's not picky about hair color or whether or not his chosen spouse wears makeup. However, he is emphatic that they be a hard, motivated worker and as neat and tidy as he is, with a strong set of cleaning skills. He absolutely will not consider dating or marrying someone who is unemployed. He is a playful soul who will happily play catch or basketball for hours, go jogging or hiking. Just don't be surprised if he sometimes goes overboard when flinging that baseball.
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Aspiration: Money
Turn Ons: Hard Worker, Good at Cleaning
Turn Off: Unemployed
OTH: Games
9 Neat
2 Outgoing
9 Active
10 Playful
1 Nice
Skills acquired during youth:
3 Cooking
3 Mechanical
1 Charisma
2 Body
3 Logic
7 Creativity
3 Cleaning
Front shot:
And a sideview:
Like her older brother, Cloak Bear is also strongly motivated by money. However, where her brother seeks financial stability and the power to provide for his family, Cloak is more interested in the finer things in life, whether those things be fine furnishings, fast cars, or designer clothing. Also unlike Einbrecher, Cloak has utterly no desire to join her father's criminal empire. She knows what can happen if things go afoul, and she would prefer to avoid spending time in a jail cell. As half of a set of twins, Cloak has a naturally strong bond with her twin brother, although she does get exasperated at Dagger's insistence that no one is good enough for his twin sister.
Cloak also isn't too picky where looks are concerned. She sets her sights on men who are smart, or athletic, or preferably both. She wants nothing to do with charismatic fast-talkers, possibly turned off on those due to her father's “business associates”. Cloak tends to be blunt, where her social endeavors are concerned, but she is well-meaning and loyal. She also is not afraid to put her money where her mouth is, where her interest in sporty men are concerned, and is focused on health and fitness, herself.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Aspiration: Money
Turn Ons: Logical, Athletic
Turn Off: Charismatic
OTH: Fitness
7 Neat
9 Outgoing
10 Active
5 Playful
4 Nice
Skills acquired during youth:
8 Cooking
3 Mechanical
4 Charisma
10 Body (blame that attractive nuisance, the exercise bike)
6 Logic
7 Creativity
10 Cleaning
Front shot:
And a side view:
Dagger Bear is a social butterfly, convinced that his next best friend is waiting just around the corner. He is not afraid to get out and meet new people, and his cheerful nature means he rarely gets into confrontations or scrapes. When he does, he can talk himself out of conflict. This is a valuable skill, as Dagger can be quite tactless in what he says to people. Despite this, most people can't help but get along with him. As with his other siblings, Dagger is well aware of his father's criminal empire, but it doesn't really register with him as something that he needs to be concerned with or pay much attention to, and he has no plans to join in on the action. He'd much rather network with the people in his community, as he believes that the true path to success hinges not on what you know, but who you know. Dagger shares a close bond with his twin sister, Cloak. His connections throughout town means he knows exactly the types of guys she tends to attract, and knows their negative qualities. He doesn't understand why Cloak hasn't yet seen the wisdom in his interfering with her to keep her from dating losers.
Dagger is, in particular, attracted to sporty girls who know how to artfully apply makeup to enhance their natural beauty. He is a strong proponent of waiting until marriage and has declared that he does not want to see a girl in her underwear until they are married. Dagger is so danged nice, he will have no trouble finding someone to love, and even if it doesn't work out with that person, they will still likely be good friends long after the passion has cooled.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Aspiration: Popularity
Turn Ons: Makeup, Athletic
Turn Offs: Underwear
OTH: Tinkering
6 Neat
2 Outgoing
4 Active
4 Playful
10 Nice
Skills acquired during youth:
4 Cooking
6 Mechanical
1 Charisma
5 Body
5 Logic
7 Creativity
5 Cleaning
Front view:
And a side view:
Voleur Bear is a stubborn, free spirit. Possessed of a creative streak and a very clear vision of the path her life should take, she is not terribly fond of, nor appreciative of her father's interference in her dreams for her life. Despite knowing the deep level of deception her father perpetuated against her mother throughout their marriage, Voleur also could see that the two of them genuinely cared about each other and loved each other, and that is what she sincerely wants for her own life. Voleur wants nothing more than to find her soul mate, get married, and have children together. She thinks that she may have found that special someone, but the truth of the matter is that she is still quite young, and things can change in the blink of an eye. Regardless of where she ends up, it is likely that Voleur will surround herself in color, after growing up in the rather monochromatic home of her parents.
They say that girls are attracted to men who remind them of their fathers, and Voleur is no exception. She is seeking, in particular, a man with facial hair and glasses, just like her father, although he does not need to be a redhead to catch her eye. Voleur has absolutely no time for zombies, however. Her life aspirations involve having babies, and that's not possible when one's partner is, well, dead. Voleur has a good sense of humor and is very playful, but when she gets angry, she is not afraid to show it.
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Aspiration: Family
Turn Ons: Facial Hair, Glasses
Turn Offs: Zombies
OTH: Games
9 Neat
2 Outgoing
9 Active
10 Playful
1 Nice
Skills acquired during youth:
1 Cooking
2 Mechanical
3 Charisma
3 Body
2 Logic
5 Creativity
6 Cleaning
Front view:
And a side view:
Murtovaras Bear is the baby of the family, and as such, is used to getting her way. She isn't spoiled, per se, but she has definitely not heard the word “no” much in her life. She very rarely tantrums or throws a fit, however, and prefers to just let things slide, like water off a duck's back. Murtovaras isn't worried about money, she doesn't care about family, and isn't particularly worried about popularity; what motivates her is pleasure, to the point of hedonism. She was doted on by her parents and older siblings as a child, so she doesn't necessarily have the same drive to be a self-made Sim as her older siblings. Like her older brother, Dagger, she is aware of her father's criminal empire, but it is of little consequence to her, and she really doesn't care about it, one way or another.
When it comes to a partner, Murtovaras has a very specific ideal in mind: she is seeking a blond hunk who is good at cleaning. In short, she wants someone handsome who is willing to wait on her hand and foot. Like her older sister Voleur, Murtovaras has no use for zombies, although not for the same reasons. They just do not appeal to her senses. As with some of her siblings, Murtovaras has a keen sense of playful humor but has a tendency to take things too far and doesn't really know when to quit. Her lack of focus (as well as not having her parents breathing down her neck to improve herself) means she does not have the same complement of skills as her older siblings.
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Aspiration: Pleasure
Turn Ons: Blond Hair, Good at Cleaning
Turn Off: Zombies
OTH: Games
9 Neat
2 Outgoing
9 Active
10 Playful
1 Nice
Skills acquired during youth:
4 Cooking
0 Mechanical
0 Charisma
0 Body
2 Logic
5 Creativity
6 Cleaning
Front view:
And a side view:
And now that that's done...time for outtakes!
I didn't really want to put Phoenix into a town filled with only default NPCs, so I dropped her into an established neighborhood where I put random Sims I've made for people based off of their characters (mostly old City of Heroes alts, made into Sims). Which means a lot of them made cameos...like for example one of my CoH characters, Fyrus, who doesn't seem to be terribly impressed with whatever Phoenix is telling him.
Here's another one. I don't know what Klay is reaching for, and neither does Phoenix.
Of course, there are still some standard default NPCs lurking...
“Raindrops keep fallin' on my head...And I'm so cute, I think you should take me to bed! … Let's Woohoo all night, yeah!...”
Sorry pal, you might be an NPC, but you're not a Service Sim.
laridian, LOOK, LOOK! I HAVE ONE IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD, TOO! XD And that is SUCH an unfortunately-posed screenshot! If he had been wearing a shirt, it would not have been nearly so silly...
As you can see above, Russ and Phoenix's kids were all very playful, and not terribly nice. That means there was a lot of games of Red Hands and Rock-Paper-Scissors, some of which got pretty extreme. I mean, look at poor Dagger; he shoved himself into the wall!
RED HANDZ 4EVA seriously it's all they ever did. It was a never-ending litany of noogies and Red Hands.
Also, the standard for this family was: If the radio is on, then we MUST SMUSTLE FOR HOURS. If the radio is off, we must turn on the radio, and then COMMENCE SMUSTLING. I don't think I've ever had a family so obsessed with that dance.
Oh look, Dagger must have inherited his ability to phase through woodwork from his mother...
Russ was a Family Sim and loved spending time with his kids. However, he was one of...those Sims. You know the ones. You tell them to go kiss their spouse, or show affection, and they look at you, whine and act as though you just told them to clean a toilet with their tongue. Yes Russ, you DO have to kiss your wife!
Presented without comment: Cloak and her ability to make the best funny faces.
Voleur fell in love with Randall knowing all too well she couldn't keep him. If she wins the poll, she'll have to start over without him.
“OW, you bit my nose! What the heck?!”
And that's that! Thanks for reading, be sure to vote in the heir poll!
Poll Generation 3 Heir Poll