Biiiiig Survey.

Dec 16, 2009 18:07

Rules of the game:

* Copy the whole list into your blog.
* Bold the things that are true about you.
* Add some­thing that is true about you.
* Optional: Add a com­ment after answer in ital­ics

Sur­vey Meme

1. I miss some­body right now.
2. I don’t watch much TV these days.
3. I love olives
4. I own lots of books.
5. I wear glasses or con­tact lenses.
6. I love to play video games.
7. I’ve tried marijuana.
8. I’ve watched porn movies.
And they were boring as Dis.
9. I have been in a threesome.
10. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.
Technically speaking, I didn't know the relationship was OVER. >___>;; Apparently it was and he just 'Didn't think to tell me'... But I expect that still counts.
11. I believe hon­esty is usu­ally the best policy.
12. I curse sometimes.
13. I have changed a lot men­tally over the last year.
14. I have a hobby.
15. I carry my knife/razor every­where with me.
16. I’m TOTALLY smart.
17. I’ve never bro­ken someone’s bones. Just my own
18. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
19. I hate the rain.
20. I’m para­noid at times.
21. I would get plas­tic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
22. I need money right now.
23. I love sushi.
24. I talk really, really fast.
25. I have fresh breath in the morning.
26. I have long hair.
27. I have lost money in Las Vegas.
28. I have at least one brother and/or one sis­ter.
29. I was born in a coun­try out­side of the U.S.
30. I shave my legs (females) or face (males) on a reg­u­lar basis.
31. I have a twin (or a triplet, or somesuch).
32. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
33. I couldn’t sur­vive with­out Caller I.D.
34. I like the way that I look.
35. I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months.
36. I know how to cornrow.
37. I am usu­ally pessimistic.
38. I have a lot of mood swings.
39. I think pros­ti­tu­tion should be legalized.
40. I think Brit­ney Spears is pretty.
41. Slept with a Suitemate.
42. I have a hid­den talent.
43. I’m always hyper no mat­ter how much sugar I have.
44. I have a lot of friends.
45. I am cur­rently single.
46. I have pecked some­one of the same sex. (given that pecked means kissed…)
47. I enjoy talk­ing on the phone.
This only gets half a bold since I only really enjoy talking with Em on the phone. xD
48. I prac­ti­cally live in sweat­pants or PJ pants.
49. I love to shop.
50. I would rather shop than eat.
This is because I rarely get hungry nowadays.
51. I would clas­sify myself as ghetto.
52. I’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
I do wear my sweaters that way sometimes, but I'm... Heh. I won't even go there, nevermind.
53. I’m obsessed with my Xanga or Live­jour­nal.
54. I don’t hate any­one. I dis­like them.
55. I’m a pretty good dancer
56. I don’t think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington.
Just like I don't think Michael Jackson raped little boys. =| Eat that, fucktards.
57. I’m com­pletely embar­rassed to be seen with my mother.
58. I have a cell phone.
59. I believe in God.
No, sorry, I believe in Dispater. xD
60. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
61. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
62. I love drama. (Some­body else’s, not my own)
GODS I hate drama. No. Never.
63. I have never been in a real rela­tion­ship before.
64. I’ve rejected some­one before.
65. I cur­rently have a crush/like someone.
66. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
67. I want to have chil­dren in the future.
68. I have changed a dia­per before.
69. I’ve called the cops on a friend before.
70. I bite my nails.
71. I am a mem­ber of the Tom Green fan club.
72. I’m not aller­gic to any­thing.
73. I have a lot to learn.
74. I have been with some­one at least 10 years older or younger.
And oh no, I'm not a stupid teenager. Hmmmmmmmmmm...
75. I plan on see­ing Ice Cube’s newest “Fri­day” movie.
76. I am shy around the oppo­site sex.
77. I’m online 24/7, even as an away message.
78. I have at least 5 away mes­sages saved.
79. I have tried alco­hol or drugs before.
I will make a fairly length comment on this one. This is a quote from the person I stole the meme from.
If you live in an indus­tri­al­ized nation (par­tic­u­larly in the U.S.A.), then you almost have to have this marked. The major­ity of our food is loaded with chem­i­cals and if you’ve ever been sick; you’ve prob­a­bly taken cold med­i­cine which is a drug!

I like to take things as literally as the next person. In fact, I pride myself on taking things literally. But hell. =| When you know the survey's meant for you to answer about coke and LSD, then don't go on about Tylenol.
80. I have made a move on a friend’s sig­nif­i­cant other or crush in the past.
81. I own the “South Park” movie.
82. I have avoided assign­ments at work school to be on Xanga or Livejournal.
Try GaiaOnline, so as to be able to write for Eirenharzt. And I don't regret it at all. xD
83. When I was a kid I played “the birds and the bees” with a neigh­bor or chum.
84. I enjoy some coun­try music.
85. I would die for my best friends.
I like to think I'd die for Em, Rick and Julie.
86. I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
87. I watch soap operas when­ever I can.
88. I’m obses­sive, anal reten­tive, and often a perfectionist.
Oh Eirenharzt, see what you've done to me?
89. I have used my sex­u­al­ity to advance my career.
90. I love Michael Jack­son, scan­dals and all.
91. I know all the words to Slick Rick’s “Children’s Story”.
92. Hal­loween is awe­some because you get free candy.
93. I watch Sponge­bob Squarepants and I like it.
Spongebob Squarepants manages to insert some very interesting adult themes, without being a retarded adult-oriented thing like South Park or Foamy the Squirrel with lots of excessive swearing.
94. I have dated a close friend’s ex.
95. I like surveys/memes.
96. I am happy at this moment.
97. I’m obsessed with guys.
98. I am bisexual.
Truthfully, I don't know if I am, but I seem to be. Certain people will understand that.
99. Demo­c­rat.
100. Con­ser­v­a­tive Republican.
Fuck you, politics. You're runing my meme.
101. I am punk rockish.
102. I am preppy.
Yes, that's right, I'm a punk-rockish prep.
103. I go for older guys/girls, not younger.
I actually go for both, as long as the younger one doesn't laugh at retarded shit like Charlie the Unicorn.
104. I study for tests most of the time.
105. I tie my shoelaces dif­fer­ently from any­one I’ve ever met.
106. I can work on a car.
107. I love my job.
108. I am com­fort­able with who I am right now.
109. I have more than just my ears pierced.
110. I walk bare­foot wher­ever I can.
111. I have jumped off a bridge.
And it was interesting.
112. I love sea turtles.
113. I spend ridicu­lous amounts of money on makeup.
114. I believe in prophetic dreams.
115. I plan on achiev­ing a major goal/dream.
I will publish Eirenahrzt, if it takes me a lifetime.
116. I am pro­fi­cient on a musi­cal instru­ment.
I like to think I have some level of proficiency with my guitar.
117. I worked at McDonald’s restau­rant.
118. I hate office jobs.
119. I love sci-fi movies.
Star Trek, anyone?
120. I’ve never been in love.
121. I think water rules.
This is Alastair Visinyne III talking.
122. I am going to col­lege out of state.
123. I am adopted.
124. I like sausage.
125. I am a pyro.
126. I love the Red Sox.
127. I have thrown up from cry­ing too much.
128. I have been inten­tion­ally hurt by peo­ple that I loved.
129. I love kisses.
130. I fall for the worst peo­ple and have been hurt every time.
This sounds emo, but it seems to be true for me.
131. I adore bright colors.
132. I love Dear Abby.
133. I can’t live with­out black eyeliner.
134. I think school is awesome.
GODS how I HATE people who think SCHOOL is AWESOME. UGH.
135. I think pig­tails serve a purpose.
136. I don’t know why the hell I just did this stu­pid thing.
137. I usu­ally like cov­ers bet­ter than originals.
This one seems to be a half-and-half thing. I'm really not sure which I tend to like better.
138. I don’t like multi-textured ice cream
139. I think John Cusack is adorable.
140. I f**king hate chain theme restau­rants like Apple­bees and TGIFridays.
...WTD is wrong with you people?
141. I watch Food Net­work way too much.
142. I love coach­ing youth sports.
143. I can pick up things with my toes.
144. I can’t whis­tle.
145. I can move my tonguee in waves, much like a snakes’ slither.
146. I have ridden/owned a horse.
147. I still have every jour­nal I’ve ever writ­ten in.
148. I can’t stick to a diet.
149. I talk in my sleep.
150. I’ve often thought that I was born in the wrong cen­tury.
Although, I'm really not sure where I belong.
151. There's only one person in my life that I don't hate.
It shouldn't be so hard to admit that, but it is.
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