IRL Updates & Meme

Oct 29, 2010 21:28

So, after having a little mini-panic attack, I realized that constantly worrying about my Russian grade?  Not helping me any.  Seeing as today was the last day to drop a course, I'm glad I realized how very terribly I had been doing in the class when I did.  Russian?  Dropped for this semester.  It's not like I didn't have 18 hours anyway.  Worst-case scenario, I'm here another year (to fulfill my Foreign Language requirements), which is fairly common anyway, and I might be able to turn the Sociology minor into a double major with that kind of time.  Stress: reduced.  As long as I don't think about the money.

Reinstalled Oblivion on the new laptop, and discovered that I am just as bad at it now as I was when I got it.  At least I haven't gotten worse.  Making potions and poisons is pretty fun, actually.  I keep picturing my character sitting on a rock with her mortar & pestle, talking to herself about what will and won't work together, while confused fauna watch.  "Dammit, NOTHING combines with Crab Meat!"

So, tomorrow, I head to Wal-Mart for supplies to put the final touches on my Halloween costume.  I need some thicker paper to make a stencil, a white t-shirt, and a belt with a silver oval belt buckle.  If I can find one, I'll get a tan/khaki button-up, but if not I'll just use my jacket; it's the right color, but I'll have to tuck the hood in and roll the sleeves up.  Oh, and maybe a wrench.  I will be the best Sparkplug Witwicky in the town (even if I AM the wrong sex), mostly because nobody else will be dressing up as Sparkplug Witwicky.

Side-note: it is amazingly difficult to find yellow rain-boots or yellow rubber work boots in any brick-and-mortar stores where I am.  Everything else, they have!  Why not yellow boots?  Ended up having to spray-paint some blue/teal/black ones yellow.  I'm glad I managed to order my hardhat early.  Yellow hard hats don't usually stay on the shelves for too long, either.

Started a short story about a girl who is explaining to her parents her rather unorthodox career plan, and trying to explain to them that it is perfectly normal in some cultures to become a recluse for a few years, so why shouldn't she make it a career and why can't they just support her like other parents do?  It's not going to be very long at all, but my short stories usually turn out best anyway.

...aaand here's a meme.  Because, bandwagon.  And I like it when people make me think about things.

1. Comment in this post with a pairing, a character, or theory.
2. I shall write you back a paragraph explaining what I think about it (good, bad, indifferent) and why.
3. Repost in your own journal if you want.

I'd rather we stick to...let's say Transformers (G1, TFA, and IDW being the ones I know best), Pet Shop of Horrors, Good Omens, Batman, Lovecraft/Cthulhu Mythos, Vampire Hunter D, or Pokemon.  Feel free to recommend/ask if I'm into other fandoms, or to ask things about fandoms I've said I'm into in the past and have neglected to list (because my memory is shot today).

irl updates, memes

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