There is this
old burger joint by my house; and recently it’s Korean owned. I’ve been wary of going to the place because on top of selling burgers it also served sushi and Mexican. O_O To my surprise the food was really really good.
My epic morning of ice
Okay so this morning was something I’ve never experienced in the history of living in Southern California. All day yesterday it poured and poured. So by morning everything was frozen with a thin layer of ice. Apparently our pet turtle was trapped under a layer of ice O___O
Steph and I are all spazing like “OMG! It’s almost like snow!” **were deprived children** so I managed to make a little ice ball about the size of a marble and chucked it at Steph. ^__^
It was actually a frustrating/humorous morning, I could not see through any of my windows because the layer of ice was so thick. Okay so it wasn’t that thick compared to the other places in the world that actually does get snow. I envy you
Not to mention the difficulty of opening the car door because it was frozen shut. LOL Good thing we didn’t have class until 10am.
So it’s 7:30am and I’m struggling with trying to remove the frost and ice off my windows; and stopping every now and then to puff a breath of air and giggle as the steam flew away. *Like I said I’m deprived*
At one point I just started scraping the ice off my window with my nails and writing messages such as “Help” “Hi”
*Fail* I eventually got a bucket of hot water and carefully melted the ice off the window. Don’t want to shock the glass and make it crack XP
Dude! I just hate it when the most photo-opportunistic moments are when you’re stationed in a car. On my way to school the Western Mountains were covered in lovely white snow with blue sky all around it. <3 And I’m like “Bloody hell, I wish I had my camera…oh wait…I can’t take pictures while driving. ZOOT! ;___;”
As we got off the freeway into Moorpark, I was like “OMG! Steph! There is still frost in the park” *Note all the little white patches in the still shaded areas* And Steph was all “OMG! You’re right!” We were very tempted to go play in the frost. *Reminder: deprived children*
On my drive home, the Eastern mountains were also covered in snow. I was filled with mixed emotions. I was in awe of the wondrous beauty and at the same time I wanted to kill something because I couldn’t get it on film. ;_;
Right now looking out my window you’d think it’s a bright sunny warm day, but if you stepped out side you’d freeze your butt off. Or at least I’d freeze my butt off XP Dude I’m like wearing 3 layers and I’m still freezing. ^^;
My experiences today has gotten my hopes up that it might actually snow on my birthday, or at least some period closely before or after my birthday. :D I’m excited!. >< I’m such a dork for getting excited every year but I can’t help my self. ^-^;