dynamite season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 04, 2004 01:09

matt came today with his parents...and i feel like such a bitch cause i couldnt help but be so fucking annoying the whole time he was here ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

trish_rennt July 3 2004, 22:35:09 UTC
Dynamite season really sucks, especailly because guys never understand! Matt seems like he would though, hopefully.


seikoocevoli July 4 2004, 07:37:56 UTC
he understands completely...he does live with his sister and his mother...and he does go on dynamite runs for them with no problem at all...he told me to stop apologizing for it...but i cant help it...thats how i get...i get angry and then i get apologetic


shants666 July 3 2004, 23:00:02 UTC
...guess i'll just have to sell him another car so u can have a "do-over"..... what does he think about a Grand Marquis?


one car at a time is enough... sanxblackhand July 4 2004, 09:32:01 UTC
lol thanks for the offer shants but one car at a time is all i can afford...errr sort of... i cant even really afford that but hey whatever im sick of not having a ride.
and michelle...STOP APPOLOGIZING!!!...i can tolerate your "bitchyness" during dynamite string season, just dont appologize for it cuz then your appologizing for who you are (at least part of the time)and i cant stand that. :-P anywho ill ttyl when u get off from work.


costumeguy July 5 2004, 04:41:16 UTC
oooooooooh. now I get what dynamite season is.


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