Okay, not so epic hiatus over, i can now waste my time waste my life have fun on the internet again.
Things I've been up to in the meantime:
No, really. The Pronunciation exam was less terrible than expected (the theoretical part was much smaller than I thought. And the much-feared "listen to the recording and tell me which phonetic symbol corresponds to the sound" part was not difficult at all) I was the first to go and moderately freaked but he was very charming and flattering and all was well. In conclusion: always pick the American professors, if at all possible.
Japanese is eating my brain for srs. I have a big-ass vocab test next week AND I HAVEN'T SO MUCH AS LOOKED AT THE LAST THREE OR FOUR UNITS HAHA I'M GOING TO FAIL IT LIEK WOAH. Also I still fail at comparative/superlative structures (...ga?...ni?... de? and shouldn't there be wa in there as well???) which is all my fault, obvs, because I didn't get around to studying at all. Turns out, though, that nobody else in my class gives a fuck either, which is drastically different from the Batshit Insane One-Semester-In-a-Week-And-a-Half Class I had during spring break, where you were expected to have learned all new words (~30/day) and grammar by the next DAY.
I have complete assholes for friends. Okay, so here I am, sticking to my no-internet rule like a good little student, and a friend suggests that in order to not go insane, I should watch this nice show she really likes, called Supernatural. I'd already seen a few episodes and thought it was a bit stupid but I thought, hey, why the hell not. THREE SEASONS LATER I knew why not.
Things I noticed about Supernatural:
- The German dub sucks monkeybutt. For some reason they got the guy who dubbed Jared's character on Gilmore Girls to dub him on Supernatural too AND HIS VOICE NEVER BROKE AHAHA. Lulzy for about 10 minutes, then it's just annoying. Dean's dub actor is marginally better, but not much. This is probably why I didn't really like it all that much when I stumbled upon it on tv one day (I remember doing some work for uni while leaving the tv on in the background)
- They have no right whatsoever to complain about people shipping Sam and Dean. None. At. All. The subtext would blind Oscar Wilde and then there's all the canon ghey (people thinking they're a couple, Dean slapping Sam's ass while pretending they're a couple, Dean - presumably - getting some hot ghey lovin' from a 7 foot, leather-clad BDSM dom, etc. etc.)
- Supernatural totally got ripped off by Merlin. Merlin is like the cheerier, more colorful and (slightly) more medieval version of Supernatural. Dean and Arthur ARE THE SAME CHARACTER: the same Daddy issues, (almost) the same Mommy issues, same hero complex, same OMG I MUST GO AND RECKLESSLY ENDANGER MY LIFE/ETERNAL SOUL/BOTH TO SAVE THE BOY I LOVE complex, same kick-ass fighting skillz, same character development from kinda not very likeable prat to WATCH ME SAVE THE DAY WHILE LOOKING EMOTIONALLY CONFLICTED (in spn's case that equals crying all through season 4) hero, same catnip-like effect on women/men/angels/demons/dragons/sorcerers/Sidhe/their dad
- Jensen Ackles has the prettiest eyelashes on this planet.
- I somehow fall for shows/fandoms with the gayest, most obvious, please-write-about-us-we're-begging-for-it RPS. Jensen and Jared might even out-gay Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, which is quite an achievement. At least the latter two were able to explain their moving in together as two poor, just-graduates simply sharing living expenses, whereas Jensen and Jared? Uh... carpool to save the environment?
- Supernatural is just so... silly. I mean, I watch the show, and sometimes there are five minutes when I can take it seriously but I snap right out of it again and lol at the ghey and the manpain and the ghey manpain and the daddy issues. Also, the increasingly silly storyline (well shit, I just unleashed the apocalypse because while my brother was in hell, getting surprise-buttsexed by this dude called Alastair, I went all emo and hooked up with this demon chick whose blood tasted all omnomnom and she mind-fucked me into being her bitch and now I'm evil and Dean is fucked too because this angel disobeyed orders to bring him to me - he has this major crush on Dean, you see - but now all angels will be pissed off and oh shit there's this spirally shape made of blood on the floor which I am too stupid to just mop up jeez and it means TEH DEVILL R COMING OH NOES!!1!!) Looking at it like this, I have no problem at all with Sam/Dean/Sir fics. None at all.
- I'm really, really, really curious as to how the hell the writers are going to figure out season 5 without turning it into another major suckfest like season 4, what with how the last episode ended. I'm afraid the plot is just going to get more and more convoluted until you can't really do anything with it anymore. I mean, it took the show TWO AND A HALF SEASONS to have them come to terms with their daddy issues and how they feel about each other (lol) and then suddenly BAM! they cram so much plot down our throats. What the hell. I can has slow (and consistent!!!) character development again, plz.
- Alternatively, moar gay. I'm good with that too.
- Supernatural made me explain the word "manpain" to four different people, one of them my mom.
- I am in love with the word "rehymenated". Also, Dean being a guy and all, wouldn't that kind sorta infer that to end his sad state of divine rehymenation, he'd have to get buggered? Just's wondering.
- I have to take revenge on my friends with Merlin when they're trying to study.
- I have developed a little crush watching the show. Okay, it's a big crush. A fucking HUGE crush. It's probably the biggest, most absolute, love-at-first-sight crush I've ever experienced. And I know I'm not the only one drooling over the absolute beauty, the breathtaking elegance, the sleek, muscular power that is:
The Impala
That is one awesome car, admit it.
New game, new chance. I went to that doctor at that bipolar clinic at that hospital and, well. I'll do the whole thing over again, apparently. So now I'm back on the meds I took LAST NOVEMBER and which didn't really help all that much. Great. I mean, I get the idea behind it (sort of establishing a base line and then seeing where to go from there) but it looks like he'll prescribe me lithium eventually anyway. I get that he wants to try valproic acid first, I really do, and it's in my best interests as well, but I just want this whole experimentation crap to end already. And he doesn't really believe me that I'm depressed or how depressed I really get. I told him TWICE that I'm just all antsy because I'm nervous and that it'll be over as soon as I walk out of the room and I'll be back to being depressed again, but... still.
I'll talk to him again next week and see if I can get him to unerstand. Career/uni/etc.-wise I'm still fucked. My "plan" to be fine (relatively speaking) by summer so I can study during the break and start molecular biology again in the fall seems like out of the question. Because it looks like this shitty "let's try this drug. Okay, no, let's try this one. Oh, shit, it's not supposed to make you hyperventilate - try that one instead." is going to take all summer. Ha. So maybe I'm thinking translation? Idk, it's something I know I can do, probably even without any major effort (effort = freak-out-age = bipolarness attacks even moar). But. I just... love molecular biology, to a ridiculous degree, and I know that I could do it, the way I was before, so if I could go back to that then maybe... Yeah. Except that's probably not gonna happen. And I need to make a choice soon. Sorry about the emo. Have some silly gay to make up for it:
Dean in silly outfits makes me happy.
Jared being a dork makes me very happy as well. Also, that's how avian flu got started, Jared, jeez be a bit more careful.
My, what a pretty... person? Mmh, androgynous twinky goodness. Also, this is not a manip, that's acutally pretty pretty princess Jenny him.