Woke up on the wrong side of existence. Stuff to ignore if you happen to be in a really good mood.
The school bus, in all it's permanent marked glory, told me it's better to burn out, than to fade away. Lyrics from some song I think.
And damn, of course I would choose fading away rather than burning out because that's what I do best, that's what I know best and the people who I'd give my life for feel it's best.
So I came back to the city just to get cozy with my nice, familiar little rut with all it's scary little personality dysfunctions. For the past few days all I do is wake up, eat, purge, stare out the window, stare at the computer, sleep and set myself on repeat. And fuck! I didn't realize until I went away what a lonely existence I entertain. It's days like these I just want to close my eyes and never wake up.