I can understand why you like Nakata a little bit more, but really, what's up with the no-go on Nagano? He seems so sweet, and... well, I don't care what anyone says about Mr. Sasuke, honestly. I think Nagano's got more passion for Sasuke than everyone in the tournament combined. And he's cute.
But yeah, my favorites are Iketani, Nagano, Yamamoto, Takeda, and I'm always rooting for Bunpei. Heck, I like all of the All-Stars. Well actually, for some reason, Mr. Ninja Warrior bothers me.
Did you see the one with the math whiz kid? He was this scrawny little thing who did all these calculations on the courses to get through the challenges XD He was the bomb.]
Comments 15
Nagano and Yamamoto are the true legends of Sasuke.
But whatever. They may be legends, but psssht. Nakata and Iketani are just...amazing. And yes. Iketani is so cute.
[ooc: TOTALLY AGREED. Him and Nakata. I love Takeda too though. And Shunsuke Nagasaki.]
I can understand why you like Nakata a little bit more, but really, what's up with the no-go on Nagano? He seems so sweet, and... well, I don't care what anyone says about Mr. Sasuke, honestly. I think Nagano's got more passion for Sasuke than everyone in the tournament combined. And he's cute.
[ooc: Ohh, Takeda is my dad's favorite!
I found an Iketani blog some time ago. There's one picture where he's chillin' outside a Pokemon store XD http://naoking.livedoor.biz/archives/2007-12.html]
But yeah, my favorites are Iketani, Nagano, Yamamoto, Takeda, and I'm always rooting for Bunpei. Heck, I like all of the All-Stars. Well actually, for some reason, Mr. Ninja Warrior bothers me.
Did you see the one with the math whiz kid? He was this scrawny little thing who did all these calculations on the courses to get through the challenges XD He was the bomb.]
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