Ganked from
sumidha: questions meme.
a. Do you feel your ethnicity is a large part of your life? Not unless I'm shocking people by calling myself a spic.
b. What is your ethnicity? I suppose I'm Hispanic. My ancestry is Iberic (Spain, Italy, Catalunia, Basque).
c. Is your ethnicity distinct from your national identity? What national identity?
d. Do you speak the same language your Grandparents spoke? Yes (My maternal grandmother also spoke Catalunian).
e. Great great Grandparents? Uhm. I'm not sure, actually. Probably not. I'd have to ask.
f. Do you have a feeling of solidarity or even simple recognition for people of similar backgrounds? No. Italians suck.
g. What part does the perception of race play in your understanding of your own ethnicity? We need some clearer definitions of race and ethnicity. Because this is ridiculous. Uhm. Mostly, hispanics speak Spanish. That's uh... yeah. That's it. What?
h. Do you feel your ethnicity is a matter of "blood" or descendency or do you feel it is cultural? It's blood. Not that I give two halves of a damn; and if you can call my uber-diluted mutt status an actual ethnicity anyway.
a. Do you follow politics? Peripherally. I stopped being actually interested after high school.
b. Are your politics similar to or wildly divergent from those your parents espoused when you were growing up? Similar.
c. Do you feel your personal politics spring more from how you perceive your needs or from your personal morality? Something else? Tell me what you base your political decisions on? Personal morality, although my morality is often in question, so I don't always agree with myself. That said, I base my political decisions on what's closest to what I'd like, assuming there's anything remotely similar. There usually isn't.
d. Do you feel that any political party or movement truly represents your values? ... uhm, no. Not really.
e. Do you feel any particular political party is looking out for your interests? I'm a dirty commie, okay? No one gives a crap.
f. Have you studied history? How has this effected your political view? Yes. It made me realize my political goals--when I had them--were pretty much nullified by the overarching decadence of the human race. (How's that for depressing? Yeah, take that, Nietzsche).
3. SEX
a. Do you feel sex is a moral issue? Yes. Sometimes it's--like
sumidha said--a personal moral issue. But sometimes it's not. I don't care what your personal morals are, if you're a rapist or a pedophilliac, you need to die. Or at least suffer greatly.
b. Do you ascribe an inherent value to virginity? ... no? I mean, it's an experience, (losing it) yes. But you're no more pure than anyone else just because you've never done the wild monkey dance with someone else.
c. Do you feel that some sexual thoughts / feelings / or behaviours are acceptable for one gender but not for another? No. I'm like Batman (he's an equal opportunity crime fighter).
d. Is the "forbidden" somehow more sexually exciting for you? Depends on what you consider forbidden. But given my track record when it comes to my choices, I'd have to say 'yes, but not uncontrollably so'. There's some things that are just wrong, though, and sicken me.
e. Do you tend to be more passive or aggressive sexually? Uhm. I'm pretty passive, in practice. Hell. I dunno. A little of both? Depends on who I'm with. Okay. I've been informed that I am one of the least passive people someone I trust (and who knows me) knows. So. Fine. I'm aggressive. Now bend over...
f. Do you think celibate people are "better" people or simply have less of a sex drive? Being celibate doesn't make you better. And just so we're clear, Over Intellectual Internet Opinionating aside? In the real world, celibacy carries more of a stigma than sleeping around. Just sayin'.
g. Do you feel sex between two consenting adults can be "wrong"? You said consenting. How can it be wrong? Unless people are cheating. Cheating's wrong, m'kay? You don't wanna be tied down, you be honest about it, dammit! (There's exceptions. I'm not gonna go into them).
h. Do you believe there are any inherent differences between the minds of men and women? Well. Yeah. 'OH MY GOD THERE'S A HUMAN BEING IN MY STOMACH'. I mean, it doesn't take Arnold Schwarzenegger to tell you that men don't actually have that thought. Maybe in a bad dream, but... (although there's always hysterical male pregnancy, which I find... hysterical). But yes. There are fundamentla differences that I believe are the basis of how the human race survive on an instinctual level.
i. Do you think strangers can have satisfying sex? Tab I goes into slot V. What's not to enjoy? No glove, no love!
j. Conversely do you think it is possible to have sex with the same person for 30 years and still find it exciting and fullfilling? What about hot? Dude, I can't even keep a girlfriend for long. I don't fucking know. All evidence points to no. But... hell, I'll let you know after I spend thirty years having sex with the same person. How's that?
a. Do you cook? Yes. But mostly simple stuff (soup, steaks, vegetables, chicken, etc).
b. Do you feel the use of mixes and prepared foodstuffs is a moral question? Okay. Maybe I'm morally dead, but... what? If you're asking whether some of the chemicals and/or processes used to make some mixes and prepared foodstuffs are condoned by my moral base--then yes. If you're asking whether someone who eats ramen is less moral than someone who makes noodles themselves--then no, wtf, dude?
c. How often do you eat meals outside the home? Too often. But I like to take my mom to lunch when we both get a minute or two at work, so...
d. How often do you have a sit down meal at home? Almost never. I wish we did it more, actually. I might start trying to get my family together...
e. Do you feel eating is a moral question? Do you feel you are a moral failure when take great pleasure from eating? Only when Susan Sarandon is suffocating some starving kid from Sudan with her gigantic breasts on television.
f. Do you feel morally superior when you refrain from eating? No. When i refrain from eating I feel HUNGRY. Wtf?
g. Do you ever pass judgement on strangers based on the items in their grocery carts? No. Unless they have like... nothing but Cheetohs, and the earth shakes when they walk. Then I say: 'Fatty'. But it has to be both. Not one or the other.
a. Do you believe in a god or gods? No. I'm an atheist. Well. Agnostic, but with such a low interest in the truth (my roleplaying preferences aside) that it just might as well be atheism unless I'm actually discussing spirituality with someone (I love doing it to my mom, who goes batshit because she's as atheist as they come).
b. Do you feel your god/s is/are personal and are concerned with the minutae of your daily life? Again: atheist.
c. Do you think other people who believe as you believe are inherently better people than those who have different beliefs? That's actually an interesting question. Short answer? No. Long answer? Well. I think that someone who does good deeds because they've been told to by a higher power, and who believe they will go to Heaven because of their good deeds, ans escape from Hell, is morally inferior to someone who doesn't give a rat's ass where they're going after they die, and do good deeds anyway because that's what they feel is right. That said? I'm not a very nice guy, and I've met tons of religious folk who are inherently better than me, religion notwithstanding. So whatever, right?
d. If you could wave a magic wand and convert everyone on earth to your belief would you? Why? Why not? Uhm. There's no good answer to that. I mean, the obvious 'good' answer is no. But if given the chance? I'd probably be tempted. Not sure if I'd be tempted enough. But maybe. And the answer to why is pretty simple: why not? Religion's probably the leading cause of war in human history. War is the leading cause of death (after cigarettes). so I make everyone part of a tobacco hating religion, and kill two birds with one stone. Of course, I'll still be smoking, but I'll do it in sekrit, like any good religious leader does all the things he shouldn't--given his religion--do.
e. Were you converted from one religion to another? No.
f. Was your religion inherited, as in do you worship and believe in much the same fashion as your parents and grandparents before you? Yeah. But I broke the mold somewhat. I'm a lot more spiritual than my parents, a fact I use to drive them up the wall every chance I get. It's hilarious. (Not as fun now that my mom's all into astrology... inexplicably).
g. To what extent are your religious beliefs cultural? Or to put it another way are they the prevailing beliefs and customs of your social set? Is your religion "normal" for your area? What? No. My neighbors are probably Christian. Or Catholic. Everyone uses 'God' every other sentence. No.
h. Does the god of your understanding play favorites or does it love everyone more or less equally? ... Atheist.
i. Does the god of your understanding condone killing? ... a. the. ist.
j. Does the god of your understanding play favorites with one gender over the other? Making only women her emissaries on Earth, for instance, or saying that women are the "natural" heads of the household and men their "servants"? ... nnnngh.
k. Does god as you understand it care if teenagers masturbate? Everytime you masturbate, God kills a kitten. Everytime God masturbates, Chuck Norris kills a lion. God, won't you think of the lions?
l. How does your god feel about sex? I'M AN ATHEIST, FOR FUCK'S SAKE. IT MEANS I DON'T BELIVE IN GOD.