As Kaori is an OC, there are going to be random term that pop up when she speaks that people will have no idea what they mean. While most of them are not relevant in Luceti, those who are curious can look them up here. Questions? Feel free to PM or message me on AIM at alsenei.
The Worlds
Kaori has been to various worlds, but the three most significant are:
Anatolia, the world of her birth where she lived until she was ten years old. It's geography is similar to Earth, and it's known as a 'haven' to refugees, though the actual reality is very different. While she naturally feels loyal to it, beyond her early childhood it doesn't hold very many good memories for her. Most of her memories of the latter years are repressed due to the emotional trauma associated to them.
Orion, the native world of the Auria, and her current home. It's a world dominated by plant life, with lands divided into territories by clans depending on the dominant geographic attribute. It's a world with a quickly depleting population, ravaged by war due to conflicting viewpoints among the Auria about the future of their kind, and the possibility of it being breached by Humans who seek to use them for greed.
Riosna, the world Kaori was sent to prior to arriving in Luceti. Geographically it is similar to Earth, but rather than being dominated by oceans it is dominated by rivers that connect at various points, forming the boundaries of most countries. Two of it's superpowers are at the brink of war, and Kaori was sent to one of them to observe a group of people, her possible fiance especially, to see if they could help with the current crisis in Orion.
There is also an 'Earth' in Kaori's canon, though to her it's known as 'Terra Materna,' the largest source of Humans in current times. Most people from Riosna are descended from immigrants of the world.
The Clans
There are a total of thirteen clans among the Auria, though only twelve survive in modern times. They are families that share a culture and band together focusing on the element they specialize in. Though intermarriage is usually not recommended because it often results in weaker Auria, it's becoming more common as the people struggle to survive. The sachi of all the clans must continue to flow among the people in order for Auria to survive, so the elimination of any of the clan blood would result in the extinction of the Auria. Also, they can only control their designated element if it is available.
Kaori's family is believed to have formed from the intermarriage of remaining Na'ria and Saen members as the Na'ria were dying out, in an attempt to keep the sachi of the dying clan alive. Her more recent ancestors married with Yarlis members in Anatolia, since Auria are so sparse and hidden there.
Sachi [Human Name: Diamond] - The clan of life, with the advantage of being stronger than other Auria in all aspects. They claim the royal family of the Auria, the Delaenrei, who are essential to the survival of the species. They were virtually wiped out eight years ago, though it is believed that there are surviving members for the sole fact that the Auria are still around. They have no natural weakness.
Yaneila: Nath'Niann
Idazya [Human Name: Garnet] - The clan of fire, with the advantage of enduring extreme heat and being immune to all forms of burns. Their people are also known to be the most emotional behind the Na'ria, with a theory that most surviving Na'ria married into the clan because of this. Their natural weakness is ice.
Yaneila: Nath'Feron
Al'quean [Human Name: Sapphire] - The clan of water, with the advantage of being natural swimmers and able to breathe underwater. The most formal and proper of the Auria clans, with them being wary of touch despite craving it like most other Auria, often resulting in them being seen as strange. Their natural weakness is lightning.
Yaneila: Nath'Quean'na
Hareo [Human Name: Emerald] - The clan of wood, with the advantage of being able to thrive in all environments. They are the clan that is most distributed in other worlds, with close relations to the Sachi because of this. Recent events have seen major loss of the clan in Orion, though. Their natural weakness is metal.
Yaneila: Nath'Meiara
Yarlis [Human Name: Opal] - The clan of air, with the advantage of quick reflexes and agility, as well as being unaffected by high wind currents. They are sometimes frowned upon for practicing the arts of theft, but are highly valued for their arts. They have no natural weakness.
Yaneila: Nath'Aisenrei
Asliay [Human Name: Zircon] - The clan of light, they have the advantage of being able to see perfectly in brightness, and detecting any amount of light. They are well known for providing excellent knights and are valued for their loyalty, making them close to the Royal Family. Their natural weakness is darkness.
Yaneila: Nath'Arunos
Zetaje [Human Name: Onyx] - The clan of darkness, they have the advantage to be able to navigate perfectly in any amount of darkness. They are the clan known to have always gotten the short end of the stick because of the negative associations to their element, and are close to extinction due to recent events. Despite that they are still valued by other Auria. Their natural weakness is light.
Yaneila: Nath'Igana
Saen [Human Name: Citrine] - The clan of earth, they are known for their incredible strength and stamina. They are the clan usually in charge of investigating for the royal family, and as a result there is much human blood among them. This makes them often go beserk when experiencing negative emotions. Their natural weakness is water.
Yaneila: Nath'Venu
Vaesthi [Human Name: Amethyst] - The clan of ice, they are able to endure extreme cold and move about it easily, with most enjoying cooler-weather. They are well-known for their healers and strong sachi, and for being a clan of mostly women and have produced the most Guardians of the Sorrows out of all the clans. Their natural weakness is fire.
Yaneila: Nath'Selmio
Jafre'li [Human Name: Mirror] - The clan of metal, they have the advantage of being to manipulate anything as long as there is any trace of metal element within it. They are known for their excellent weaponry and the ability to create illusions to fool others as a defense, making them well-rounded fighters. Their natural weakness is sky.
Yaneila: Nath'Pharesnos
Lethue [Human Name: Aquamarine] - The clan of sky, many outside of the Auria believe them to be rather useless in comparison to the other clans. In reality, they have the ability to manipulate any elements available in the sky, which includes water, ice, lightning and air, making them formidable foes. They are also known for having the best flyers among the Auria. Their natural weakness is earth.
Yaneila: Nath'Xias
Raikye [Human Name: Peridot] - The clan of lightning, with the ability to generate electricity on their own. They are a largely independent clan, rarely coming into contact with the others unless they have to and are the most technologically advanced among them, making them somewhat of a mystery to the others. Their natural weakness is metal.
Yaneila: Nath'Thores
Na'ria [Human Name: Kunzite] - The clan of emotion, with the ability to empathize on nearly any level with other beings capable of emotion. The stronger of them could even manipulate emotions and opinions, as far as a person's personality. This clan is most well-known as the only one which has been wiped out, though that is misleading since very few know it ever existed these days. Its descendants live among the other clans, unaware of their heritage save for their empath-like nature. Their natural weakness is themselves.
Yaneila: Nath'Seirou
Sachi; This is the life force of the Auria, some of which comes from living things, but for the most part it is produced by sachiria, a flower native to Riosna which produces great amounts of energy that could power cities. A short supply of pure sachi is an ongoing crisis with the Auria because they need it to survive, but no new sachiria have bloomed since the death of the previous queen eight years ago, making the Auria die out even faster. Its appearance in its purest form is a white-green, and when an Auria dies their body dissipates into sachi to be cleansed and distributed among the others again.
The protection of sachiria and governing the flow of it is left to the royal family of the Auria, the Delaenrei. It is essential that the true king or queen be in Orion in order for things to return to balance among the Auria, but at this time the throne is empty due to a massacre of the family eight years ago, resulting in a desperate search for any remaining relatives no matter how distant.
Sachi is channeled to the Auria via Spheres. Each clan has a Heir, an avatar and priest of their Yaneila, who is selected before birth to have the responsibility of caring for their clan and protecting their Sphere. The Sphere allows for sachi to be cleansed and distributed once more via sonai, special necklaces each Auria is born with. If an Auria loses their sonai or is separated from it for too long they grow weak, and may eventually die an agonizing death. The Auria learned the hard way what would happen to a clan should their Sphere be destroyed when it happened to the Kunzite, resulting with the death of all its members a year after it was destroyed.
Promises; While some people could throw aside promises like they were nothing, among they Auria they are taken very seriously; you never make a promise you know you can't keep, lest you're willing to suffer the consequences. The punishment for breaking a promise, willingly or not, vary depending on the weight of the promise made. Most Auria will rarely make a promise for something trivial, already being cautious enough with making one in the first place in case they are tempting fate by doing so. In fact, pronouns aren't even used when speaking future tense in Auria'she.
Should an Auria break their side of the promise, such as a marriage or failing to protect a Human they serve, a part of their mind activates so that no matter what, they must punish themselves to be relieved of the guilt and despair over failing to uphold the promise. Often times this leads to the death of an Auria as they struggle to punish themselves enough to ease their guilt. Should the other half fail to uphold the promise, the betrayed is obliged to carry out the punishment on the one who broke the promise, which could result in the death of the other if the Auria loses control of their emotions.
tl;dr don't make a promise with an Auria unless you're willing to die for it.
Le'sachi; The parents of a mixed race union often prayed that if their child had to come out defected, then the child at least comes out as one race or the other, never in between, which would result in the cause for the fear against the Auria, a Le'sachi. A Le'sachi Auria is the result of a union in which one Human parent and an Auria parent conceive a child with mixed blood. Though it is obvious that a child born to such a union would undoubtedly see the improvement of her abilities as a Human increased, or her power as an Auria diminished, a Le'sachi child would come out as neither. Le'sachi literally means 'half of life'; a child who is neither an Auria or a Human, nor could she ever hope to be as the child is stuck in a permanent limbo between the two races. Her emotions, intensified by her Auria blood, are too much for her Human body and state of mind to handle. The sachi that runs through her veins cannot be contained by her weakened body, because the Auria body is structured so that it may just barely gain enough control of the powerful energy that runs through it and use it to protect her charges and dear ones. Therefore, a Human body, or an Auria body weakened by the presence of Human blood as the body of a Le'sachi is would not be able to control the sachi in her body as efficiently as she must. This causes many more problems for the Le'sachi, such as weakened wings or worse, the loss of flight altogether. Though she will inherit the beauty of the Auria, the Le'sachi will eventually come to think of her beauty as a constant reminder of the pity she will receive from her Auria kin, and the fear and hate she will gain from her Human kin. That alone is enough for the Le'sachi child to lose control of her emotions and go into a rage.
Though a mixed union may be lucky enough to produce pure Auria and Human children, the possibility of a Le'sachi child appearing in further generations is even greater, because the children go on to marry others of their race, further diluting blood in the offspring. For a Human line this may simply result in descendents who are more advanced in many fields over a normal Human and with little chance of a Le'sachi, but for an Auria line it means that regardless of whether another Human never marries into the line again, the bloodlines will remain diluted by the Human blood, the abilities of their line watered down, and the chance of coceiving a Le'sachi down the line still there. There is no such thing as balancing out the blood once this union has occured, and the only thing the members of the line can hope for is that the children come out balanced in their abilities despite mixed blood, and pray that they are not ticking time bombs. It is not unusual for a Le'sachi to reveal great displays over power that they have no control over, nor is it uncommon for them to develop personality disorders. In the worst case scenarios, a Le'sachi will seal its soul away within itself or the Sorrows in an attempt to protect itself. This leaves the body catatonic until it dies or contaminates the surroundings with lisu, a product of corrupted sachi that is poisonous to all who come in contact with it.
As explained before, it is because of the Le'sachi that Humans still hunt down Auria. When their emotions aand physical strain on their body become too much for them, they lash out in a violent spree that often leads to may dead and injured.
Common Auria Facts:
- All Auria have leaves behind their ears and around their wrists, at least one pair of wings, markings along their skin and at times flowers blooming behind their ears. The types vary in each individual Auria.
- All Auria are capable of creating some illusions to hide their leaves and markings, sometimes even their hair and eye color so they can walk among Humans with fewer worries of being caught.
- The emotional capacity of an Auria is at least double that of a Human's. They must love and be loved in return by someone alive in order to survive, and are unable to go on without company for long periods of time lest they go insane and die from the sadness.
- All Auria have a natural urge to protect Humans, but due to the current crisis they prefer to do it from the shadows. Should a Human correctly guess what they are and claim the right, the Auria becomes their slave and incapable of disobeying that Human's will. It's a fate they prefer to avoid in modern times.
- Despite hostilities toward Humans, Auria are unable to see themselves as superior to them and in the end only wish to be able co-exist with them.
- Singing and the ability to do it is of utmost importance among the Auria, since that is how they are able to access their power at its height and control it. In fact, the more powerful and attuned Auria have the ability to hear the souls of others sing. Not being able to sing is a severe handicap because of this, and Auria incapable of it are often pitied.
- All Auria have the ability to sense the souls, or 'presences' of others nearby because of their need to have company. The extent to which they can sense them varies among individuals, though all are able to at least sense that someone is within a fifteen foot radius.
- While Auria are able to live out very long lives if given the chance, very few make it to twenty years old as the genocide becomes more aggressive.
- It's not uncommon for an Auria to be betrothed from a young age. For girls this often means from birth, and for boys by the time they turn three years old. Many factors are considered when choosing a betrothed for an Auria, especially how compatible their souls are so that they at least develop a deep friendship, since children produced from a loveless union results in very sickly children. If possible the two are raised together, and are often not told who they are betrothed to until they are at least five years old, so that the children have a chance to establish a bond on their own.
Due to the ongoing genocide, most Auria end up losing their betrothed before they marry at age fifteen, many times being affected so badly that they shut down and are incapable of the idea of seeking someone new. This is another factor contributing to their dwindling numbers.
- On that note, it is forbidden for an Auria and a Human to fall in love, given the possibility of a Le'sachi from the union and the amount of abuse Auria have suffered from such marriages. Of course, if the Human owns the Auria and truly wants it, the Auria is obliged to marry the Human and provide children if that is the Human's wish.