Oct 11, 2011 21:57
feeling lonely,
♦ange ushiromiya,
♦elliot nightray,
♦masaomi kida,
♦portgas d. ace,
♦freyjadour falenas,
you people scare me,
♦lindsay d. ballard,
♦kouki wakahisa,
honestly trying here,
♦mithos yggdrasill,
being blind sucks,
analysis ftw!,
so very confused,
♦minato arisato,
humans are okay?,
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[words...what are those again?] ...Can I come see you? [with a very obvious please implied there]
... Please! [She misses him so much, and it's hard to try to hold back the amount of emotions she has about finally being able to be with him again, rather than as a little girl who has no idea of the pain they share.]
They didn't have to be alone right now, with each other.]
And...it's one of the rare moments where he fully realizes just how selfish he is. Because as much as he cares about her, as much as he doesn't want to see her get hurt, he wouldn't undo everything that had been done to her throughout her life. If he had the choice to go back and somehow make her life better, he wouldn't. She wouldn't be her, the friend he needs.] I'm so happy you're here...
I'm sorry I was gone...!
...How are you? [softly, like they both might break otherwise. He's sure that after being held by the Malnosso for so long, and then reliving childhood (so carefree, so unacquainted with pain), she must be drained.]
She brings up a hand to rub at her eyes, an old habit that still remains even though she's been blind so long.] I... I'm tired, Mithos... I'm really tired...
...Ah, they’re still in the hallway. They should go in, shouldn’t they? Weakness is to be guarded behind walls. He’ll try to nudge her through the doorway, still holding gently onto her shoulders.]
... Stay with me? For a while? [Even if she has nothing to offer him other than her presence, she knew she needed to have Mithos around right now.]
[It doesn't matter how long 'a while' is. Where else does he have to be? What else does he have?]
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