Title: Resurrection Rating: PG Pairing: Sehun/Kai Summary: A piercing scream, a loud honk, a powerful crash... did he come back to life?( Read more... )
Kai and Sehun are so cute together ;__; Especially when Sehun got drunk, Kai kissed him and Kai woke Sehun up then they kissed <3 I felt like i'm on cloud nine but the later part is so heartbreaking ;_____________; WHY DID SEHUN DIE OMG OMG WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST 3 YEARS????
Okay this fic is too amazing. Sorry because my English isn't good enough ;A; I want to type something longer but I can't ;A;
don't drown TT__TT the first two parts are supposed to give pain, but it will smooth down through the next ones. i can't promise eternal happiness though ;_;
and thank you so so much! you keep me going~ ♥♥♥ here, take my love!
i felt like flying so high when i read the beginning and fell so hard when i reached the first 'one beep two beep' part. i love the dancing part (i always love that kind of scene, especially sekai, they're too hot and sexy i can't resist them ><) and the morning scene is fluff and sweet, sugar everywhere~ then sehun is dead. a good way to ruin lovely moments ;;A;; do you really love to made them suffer?
you must finish this because this is heartbreaking and beautiful i want moree D: hwaiting! ♥
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!???????????? how can sehun die ? how did he die ? was it the crash ? how is the title going to fit the storyline ,will sehun get Resurrected later then? so many questions going through my head,you must finish it
Comments 45
/drowns in tears
Kai and Sehun are so cute together ;__; Especially when Sehun got drunk, Kai kissed him and Kai woke Sehun up then they kissed <3 I felt like i'm on cloud nine but the later part is so heartbreaking ;_____________; WHY DID SEHUN DIE OMG OMG WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST 3 YEARS????
Okay this fic is too amazing. Sorry because my English isn't good enough ;A; I want to type something longer but I can't ;A;
the first two parts are supposed to give pain, but it will smooth down through the next ones. i can't promise eternal happiness though ;_;
and thank you so so much! you keep me going~ ♥♥♥ here, take my love!
Oh Gad Naj, why do you have to be like this? Omg... /gets some tissues
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i felt like flying so high when i read the beginning and fell so hard when i reached the first 'one beep two beep' part. i love the dancing part (i always love that kind of scene, especially sekai, they're too hot and sexy i can't resist them ><) and the morning scene is fluff and sweet, sugar everywhere~ then sehun is dead. a good way to ruin lovely moments ;;A;; do you really love to made them suffer?
you must finish this because this is heartbreaking and beautiful i want moree D: hwaiting! ♥
sekai & dancing, please. OTP
nooooooo i don't want anyone to suffer ;_____;
i will try my very very very hardest to finish! i hope you guys can bear with me e_e
hwaiting! ♥
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how can sehun die ? how did he die ? was it the crash ?
how is the title going to fit the storyline ,will sehun get Resurrected later then?
so many questions going through my head,you must finish it
i will try my best to finish this. i hope i can answer all your questions in the end.
thank you so much for reading~
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