Title: Resurrection Rating: PG Pairing: Sehun/Kai Summary: A piercing scream, a loud honk, a powerful crash... did he come back to life? ( Read more... )
"Actually, I'm supposed to come with my brother." omo! could it be kris (because they share the same chinese surname)? o___o
"Maybe I just came to convince myself that once a person is gone, he or she is gone." hmmm... i think this statement is really, really, really important *o*
hooo, lots of questions in my head right now but i'm going to be patient (hehe) and wait for the next chapter \o\
Comments 28
omo! could it be kris (because they share the same chinese surname)? o___o
"Maybe I just came to convince myself that once a person is gone, he or she is gone."
hmmm... i think this statement is really, really, really important *o*
hooo, lots of questions in my head right now but i'm going to be patient (hehe) and wait for the next chapter \o\
i hope to answer the question the best way, i really hope i could ;;;
thank youuuu so much the next part is up :)
i feel lost
oops it's Kai, yes. thank you for pointing it out milla ♥ ////too lazy to edit it now omg
And I want to cry at the mention of the food hall =)) why am i always on a diet???
thanks for the new chap;u;
thanks too!
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