Title: Gimmick Game Pairings: Sehun/Kai, Luhan/Kris, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, EXO Summary: Sehun loves dares. Luhan is competitive. Baekhyun has high standards. And they're all virgins. hs!au
AHHHH the new fanfic updates like a turtle I'm sorry! Thank you, my soul is blessed. You can just call me seisdemayo or poop if you like it better <3 (Dont expect much fun though I'm not good at this)
Comments 36
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Now I'm scared because this is my first time on anything funny D: please be good to me.
Innocent not so innocent luhan tbh! Thank you for waiting!!
Krishan though...that should be fun...I vote for Kris in Hyung status with Chanyeol and Jongin because their usual relationship is adorable
That's exactly the right term! And ohhhh we shall see how this goes hmmm
So far so good :) i'll definitely look forward to this ☆
the last convo is the best lmao got me lmaoing so hard hahahah
But not entirely cute cos he's a brat. Thank you for reading!
SEISDEMAYO (since idk what to call you orz) BLESS YOUR SOUL
can't wait omg this fic looks fun!!!
Thank you, my soul is blessed. You can just call me seisdemayo or poop if you like it better <3
(Dont expect much fun though I'm not good at this)
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