Title: Gimmick Game Pairings: Sehun/Kai, Luhan/Kris, Baekhyun/Chanyeol, EXO Summary: Sehun loves dares. Luhan is competitive. Baekhyun has high standards. And they're all virgins. hs!au
It's actually a series (that updates like a turtle sobs) Excuse me, please do not expect anything from this since I know you write better than me. coughs /////the 2nd part is up/////
I know I love you since you are a KrisHan, ChanBaek and KaiHun shipper like me... I can't wait for the next chapter \(^^)/ By the way, can I add you as my friend?
Yay!!! I may not be a total baekyeol shipper, but I guess those two are just too cute to be denied. :D By adding as a friend, what do you mean? Sure, go ahead.
Omg /hides tbh I'm one who lacks so much in the humor department so your comment kinda gives me hope (a little) It's one of the reasons why I'm having a hard time writing this fic, I'm scared to be a complete loser in the end. lol but thank youuuuuuuuuu for this. :D
OMG you're welcome bby ;;u;; But maybe I'm not good a judge coz I tend to laugh at anything funny even if its the slightest bit of humour OTL but yours was the dry type of humour, but it was good! You can do it, okayyy Really can wait for the next segment XD /huggles
Comments 36
/smoother you with kisses
Excuse me, please do not expect anything from this since I know you write better than me. coughs
/////the 2nd part is up/////
/runs off to read
( ... )
(and hahhhh sungmin)
I can't wait for the next chapter \(^^)/
By the way, can I add you as my friend?
By adding as a friend, what do you mean? Sure, go ahead.
I've added you, hope you'll add me back ^^
I knew falling in love with you and your work was the best decision of my life lolwhut
tbh I'm one who lacks so much in the humor department so your comment kinda gives me hope (a little) It's one of the reasons why I'm having a hard time writing this fic, I'm scared to be a complete loser in the end. lol but thank youuuuuuuuuu for this. :D
But maybe I'm not good a judge coz I tend to laugh at anything funny
even if its the slightest bit of humour OTL
but yours was the dry type of humour, but it was good!
You can do it, okayyy
Really can wait for the next segment XD
i love luhan's character haha cant wait for the next chapter :)
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