Title: Gimmick Game Pairings: Sehun/Kai, Luhan/Kris, Baekhyun/Chanyeol Summary: Sehun loves dares. Luhan is competitive. Baekhyun has high standards. And they're all virgins.
I would never able to avoid being sad when Sehun is sad. My poor Baby Hun! Is Jongin really a jerk? And thanks for the always cute BaekYeol. When will we see KrisHan? *always love your KrisHan although I rarely see them as center as SeKai*
*gasp* bekihyun... you... omg! so i think sehun and i are thinking of the same thing. lolol maybe... baek's got an unidentified crush on park chanyeol of class d! XD sehun and jongin tho... hmmm are they rivals or something?? omg ate naj! this is so fcbdvchjvsjhvcjd! cant wait for chapter 4!!! hihihi! hwaiting!!!! XOXO
Comments 14
Baekhyun...you do know you like Chanyeol right?
And thanks for the always cute BaekYeol. When will we see KrisHan? *always love your KrisHan although I rarely see them as center as SeKai*
sehun and jongin tho... hmmm are they rivals or something?? omg ate naj! this is so fcbdvchjvsjhvcjd! cant wait for chapter 4!!! hihihi! hwaiting!!!! XOXO
Baekhyun avoiding Chanyeol, lmao i wonder why tho ?? Maybe some back story too ??
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