Title: Presence (All of Me) Pairing: Kris/Luhan Rating: R for character death Summary: Watch this and it says everything → krishan // all of me + ending twist
how did this fic trigger my heart with so little words idk PMSL if i didn't read the comment above this i wouldn't understand tbh so luhan was the one who died? wae omg
why do you have to kill luhan why does kris have to survive omg they both should have died instead?! ;_____; so that they can still be together bdafkjbsglb
I've read fanfic you write about Krishan and I love it! I'm from Viet Nam and I hope you can allow me to translate your fanfic into Vietnamese , thank you very much for writing it, hope you can answer me soon! wish you a good day
after all this time i read this story multiple times, i finally realize tha luhan is the one who dies.. all this time i always thought that it's kris, even if i know that on the teaser luhan is the one who gone. it confused me but i let it pass and let myself thinking that it's kris. where have i been -..- the story is GREAT!! really. the description feels real and it hurts..
Comments 32
PMSL if i didn't read the comment above this i wouldn't understand tbh
so luhan was the one who died? wae omg
why do you have to kill luhan
why does kris have to survive
omg they both should have died instead?! ;_____;
so that they can still be together bdafkjbsglb
i have so many feels T_T
but yes luhan died here. ;___;
i dont the answers to your questions. lol
but yea, kris will be seeing luhan in the future. they'll be together again one day.
i know, it's sad, im sorry. :|
haha thank you for reading btw!!
krishan<333 this pairing needs more fics
thanks for writing this<34567
i need more krishan fics too! and it's my pleasure!
thank you for reading ♥
Sure you can translate the fic into Vietnamese as long it will be credited properly. Thank you!
i tot Kris's gone T.T
You're genius!!! /Hiks/
Sorry if it's confusing. Sigh, haha.
Thank you!!!
the story is GREAT!! really. the description feels real and it hurts..
it does hurt. ):
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