Title: Absentia
Pairing: Sehun/Kai; minor!(Sehun/Tao, Kai/Luhan, Sehun/Kris); slight!Sehun/Yixing
Rated: PG
Summary: Sehun wishes to see the future. He unknowingly jumps in time and loses five years in the past. Slowly, he realizes, he didn't only lose time. He lost a lot.
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Comments 34
you're making me curious Naj, so much curious I can't T^T
what happened with kai and tao ugh CAN'T WAIT
U KNOW, just sorry
Kai & Tao. Let's just see! Although I guess the progress of this story will take slow cos once everything is revealed, then it's meeting the end. haha
thank you thank you!!! hugs
and Sehun is a regular fuc**r with Kris..
and Sehun is a regular fucker with Kris.. tyvm
haha thank you for reading! *O*
(The comment has been removed)
i mean, kris & sehun = just ...
but im afraid kris will have to appear later, so there's not much in the following parts. sigh
but thank you so much for reading bb! ♥
no slap for you, enjoy the feels.
Just... Thank you so much and I am really looking forward to the next chapter and of course , lukai<3
(ofc not, it's too late lol)
looks like everyone has a thing for kris/sehun, omg. hi!!
and thank you too!!
i hope you can stay til the lukai comes out, cos this story is probably going slow.
thank you so much for reading!
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