Who: Ryo and Satoshi
When/Where: Day 15, 11:30amish? Up to you (:
Rating: PG
Warning: Swearing?
Summary:Satoshi leaves the apartment quickly after a little fight with Shuu.
Packing a little suitcase of his things since he didn't really have very much to pack, he kissed the toddler goodbye. Doing all of this as Shuu took a shower, he couldn't face him. Despite not much being said in the fight, it still hurt Satoshi. Maybe that was the whole reason it hurt him so; there wasn't much said or rather, he didn't hear what he wanted from Shuu to say.
A little note with Amaya drawn as a Sailor Scout was left on her table, he knew it'd keep her happy. There was nothing left for Shuu, just a note on how to use the microwave and washing machine properly, and For god's sake, don't forget to feed Amaya and Muffin before work.
No I love yous. Those three words just caused him pain.
Using the directions the other gave him, he finally arrived at Ryo's and looked around before climbing up the stairs to his door to knock gently. Before he arrived, he brought back the other some food and beer, as a thank you for letting him stay for a bit.