saya yang masih sangat idealis kadang malah tidak bisa melihat sekeliling dengan lebih baik dibandingkan yang lain. kadang idealisme ini malah menjadi tombak yang beruncing, dari luar terlihat gagah namun sebenarnya berbahaya untuk diri sendiri maupu disekitarnya
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oh, i am tired about my internet connection and my old computer. my project to recaps my favorite dorama delay. maybe no body can read that, but this project can improve my english. hahaha see you next time.
for you guys that like me so much loving japan drama, this is the link that show up the best 100 top drama ever. this link is the best way to watching drama. open if you want,,
hi, its a long time not to update my journal. now i enjoing new single of arashi calling, wow why matsujunlook so hot? and i thought arashi get her adult face more, but its make them more handsome hihi
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my promised was i would happy every day maybe 2 month ago, but it couldn't happen because life is hard like you never imagined. i can't tell everything, because its so hard. i just can say they never looked how i growth, how i thought, how i did everything i decided. thanks to being my power, to being my reason that made my happy.
hi, i want to tell about my sister, my little sister. she taller than me, she more easy going than me, maybe she had more friend then me, but believe me, i so love her so much
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this my first post at jurnal, but actually i am not really know what can i write. my english not really good enough, but not late to try
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