I saw it this morning and have to admit that I went there prepared to hate it.
Yes, there were a number of things I could nitpick about but the overall feel of the movie was excellant. We all knew Zachary was Spock hands down, but I have to give my highest praise to Chris Pine as Kirk. I just KNEW he was going to ruin the film for me as "there is only one Captain Kirk" (quote, me) but I admit that before the first 30 mins were over, I began to really like him and by the end, I loved him and he was Kirk for me.
The Spock/Uhura romance thing...well, ok. I can handwave that but I admit, I was disappointed they didn't give Uhura more depth. I thought Sulu was very cool, Checkov was way too young to be helmsman on the newest starship in the Fleet and Scotty...meh. Loved Bones, loved Pike a lot and my main love, the Enterprise was very beautiful. (They will have to take out half the pipes and add more people to engineering.) The design of the Romulans and their ship was my disgusted "WTF?" moment. The Romulans looked like biker Remeans (sp) and their spikey ship was a bit too much.
As a Trekkie of the First Fandom (yes, I did say Trekkie and proudly so) it was bittersweet viewing but I have no problem with the new direction they are going in. I'm sure they'll tweak the second one so it will be that much better which they do need to do. Still, I have to say that I very much like the film and will be paying real cash money to go back and see it in the theatre again. And that's the highest praise I can give any film.