tutorial #5

Sep 08, 2007 01:15

... sorry, new icon post coming soon (I know, I always say that^^" - I did update my 100 icon challenge post with some DW icons though :D), but for now here's another tutorial for one of the new icons...


1. crop your image 100x100

2. duplicate your base, set it to screen 20%

3. layer > new adjustment layer > curves
RGB input: 49, output: 69

4. duplicate the curves layer

5. new layer, fill with #EAB75F, set it to multiply 16%

6. layer > new adjustment layer > selective coloring

Reds: C -100 | M +36 | Y +40
Yellows: C -20 | M -34 | Y -70
Neutrals: C +20 | M +4 | Y +8 | B -22

7. layer > new adjustment layer > colorbalance

Shadows: -13 | 0 | +16
Midtones: -28 | -15 | -16
(and have preserve luminosity checked)

8. layer > new adjustment layer > selective coloring

Reds: C -100 | M +49 | Y +48
Neutrals: C +63 | M -27 | Y -22

9. make a new layer and press ctrl + alt + shift + e (stamp of all visible), now set this layer to multiply 100%

10. duplicate the base, drag it on top of the layers, set it to soft light 47%

11. new layer, fill it with #FFBF81, set it to multiply 38%

12. duplicate the base, drag it on top of the layers, set it to soft light 34%

13. duplicate the stamp layer (from step 9), drag it on top, set it to soft light 38%

14. duplicate this layer, change the blend mode to multiply 26%

15. new layer, fill it with #6FBDFF, set it to color dodge 7%

16. layer > new adjustment layer > brightness/contrast, set the contrast to +18; change the blend mode to brighten 100%

17. layer > new adjustment layer > levels

Reds: 0 | 0.68 | 255 (to remove a bit of the red^^)

18. layer > new adjustment layer > brightness/contrast, contrast +5

19. layer > new adjustment layer > color balance

Shadows: -4 | -4 | +16
Midtones: -10 | +7 | +7
Lights: +2 | -2 | +9

20. That's about it, now you can add text or brushes or whatever you like^^

*** please note that steps 2 - 8 were made using an edited action originally created by dusty_memories

as usual, please let me know if/how you liked it, and when you try it out adjust the settings to your image and let me see what you get :)

also, I wanted to let you know that I signed up at sweet-charity.net and am offering to make a set of bases - if you're interested, check it out, sign up and bid - it's for a good cause ;)

!tutorials, keane

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