@replies [s/a]

Apr 02, 2009 23:32

Title: @replies
Author: selectivelyurie
Beta: my_obsession_xx
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
POV: Third
Summary: TWITTER!FIC, FLUFF. Panic loves spamming Twitter.
Disclaimer: Not real, don't believe. (If this were real, Brendon would, y'know, be following Ryan)
Author Notes: For lolab and ivesia19 because I think we all need a pick me up. Hope this helps, bbs :*

thisisryanross @zackdft come carry me to the front of the bus. i can't move.
about 1 hour ago from twidroid

TheSpencerSmith @thisisryanross lazy ass
54 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to thisisryanross

shanesonaplane @thisisryanross @TheSpencerSmith you guys know i'm filming this right?
52 minutes ago from web in reply to TheSpencerSmith

zackdft @thisisryanross what spencer said.
50 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to thisisryanross

thisisryanross @zackdft fuck you
49 minutes ago from web in reply to zackdft

thisisryanross @TheSpencerSmith fuck you
49 minutes ago from web in reply to TheSpencerSmith

thisisryanross @shanesonaplane does my hair look okay?
48 minutes ago from web in reply to shanesonaplane

TheSpencerSmith @thisisryanross you wish
45 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to thisisryanross

shanesonaplane @thisisryanross yeah, just pat down that cowlick
45 minutes ago from web in reply to thisisryanross

blackgoldmusic @thisisryanross @TheSpencerSmith @zackdft @shanesonaplane my phone is blowing up.
44 minutes ago from Tweetie

thisisryanross @shanesonaplane did i get it?
43 minutes ago from web in reply to shanesonaplane

zackdft @blackgoldmusic tough shit. wake up it's a new day, dude.
42 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to blackgoldmusic

shanesonaplane @thisisryanross yeah @blackgoldmusic sorry man @TheSpencerSmith dude, gross
41 minutes ago from web

thisisryanross @shanesonaplane you can @reply more than one person at once? i didn't know that
40 minutes ago from web in reply to shanesonaplane

blackgoldmusic @TheSpencerSmith i think i found your drumsticks
40 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to TheSpencerSmith

shanesonaplane @thisisryanross yeah, it doesn't take a genius dude.
39 minutes ago from web in reply to thisisryanross

brendonuriesays @zackdft carry me? my feet hurt
39 minutes ago from Tweetie

thisisryanross @shanesonaplane twitter is like a completely different planet to me.
38 minutes ago from web in reply to shanesonaplane

zackdft @brendonuriesays sure thing brotha. in your bunk?
38 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to brendonuriesays

brendonuriesays @zackdft yes. thank you :(
38 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to zackdft

thisisryanross @brendonuriesays brendon? you have a twitter? @zackdft and wtf zack?!
37 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonuriesays

brendonuriesays @shanesonaplane are you still filming? i'm naked.
37 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to shanesonaplane

zackdft @brendonuriesays fuck that then. carry your own self up front.
36 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to brendonuriesays

shanesonaplane @brendonuriesays yeah. put some clothes on, hippie.
36 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonuriesays

TheSpencerSmith @shanesonaplane do you remember that one time when that old hippie sold us pot?
35 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to shanesonaplane

shanesonaplane @TheSpencerSmith oh my god, yes! the one that looked like ryan?
35 minutes ago from web in reply to TheSpencerSmith

thisisryanross @brendonuriesays dude, put your clothes on and get out here. i've got to tell you something.
34 minutes ago from web

brendonuriesays @thisisryanross ...i am not brendon urie. leave me alone.
33 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to thisisryanross

blackgoldmusic @brendonuriesays fuck, this is you? better delete that fake.
32 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to brendonuriesays

zackdft @brendonuriesays do you want breakfast? if so, cereal or pop tarts? if pop tarts, which kind? if cereal, we have trix. that's it
30 minutes ago from Tweetie

brendonuriesays @zackdft pop tarts. cinnamon. and can you toast them please?
29 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to zackdft

thisisryanross @brendonuriesays brendon, zack is following you. and i can see him making pop tarts for you. stop ignoring me
28 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonuriesays

TheSpencerSmith To those of you that rape our @replies page: payback’s a bitch.
27 minutes ago from Tweetie

shanesonaplane @brendonuriesays fuck you, you got the last cinnamon.
26 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonuriesays

brendonuriesays @shanesonaplane i'll share :)
26 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to shanesonaplane

thisisryanross @shanesonaplane how do you direct message?
25 minutes ago from web

blackgoldmusic @zackdft are there any blueberry pop tarts left? or did jon eat them all?
23 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to zackdft

zackdft @blackgoldmusic nope. all gone.
22 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to blackgoldmusic

blackgoldmusic @zackdft jon is such a fat ass
21 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to zackdft

TheSpencerSmith @blackgoldmusic i am highly offended. -jon walker
20 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to blackgoldmusic

TheSpencerSmith @blackgoldmusic jon stole my phone. sorry, he's not civilized.
19 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to blackgoldmusic

shanesonaplane @thisisryanross wow, you really weren't joking about this site being another planet, were you?
18 minutes ago from web in reply to thisisryanross

thisisryanross @shanesonaplane i think i got it.
17 minutes ago from web in reply to shanesonaplane

brendonuriesays hi
16 minutes ago from Tweetie

brendonuriesays poop
15 minutes ago from Tweetie

brendonuriesays i like weed
14 minutes ago from Tweetie

thisisryanross @brendonuriesays i sent you a direct message. read it you dick.
13 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonuriesays

brendonuriesays @zackdft zack, @thisisryanross is harassing me :(
12 minutes ago from Tweetie

zackdft @brendonuriesays pop tarts are ready and that's really ryan, dude.
12 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to brendonuriesays

brendonuriesays @zackdft yes, i know but he's being rude.
11 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to zackdft

shanesonaplane @thisisryanross can you put the bong away before i start filming in the lounge?
10 minutes ago from web

thisisryanross @shanesonaplane can't. jon's using it.
9 minutes ago from web in reply to shanesonaplane

thisisryanross @brendonuriesays did you get my message?
9 minutes ago from web

brendonuriesays @thisisryanross no. send it again.
8 minutes ago from Tweetie in reply to thisisryanross

thisisryanross @brendonuriesays now?
7 minutes ago from web in reply to brendonuriesays

TheSpencerSmith @zackdft tell jon to stop hogging the weed
6 minutes ago from Tweetie

TheSpencerSmith @zackdft i said tell him to stop, not ask him to share with you.
4 minutes ago from Tweetie

shanesonaplane @thisisryanross what's so secretive that you can't share with the world?
3 minutes ago from web in reply to thisisryanross

brendonuriesays e thisisryanross i sucked your dick last night. it's my turn.
3 minutes ago from Tweetie

TheSpencerSmith @brendonuriesays dude, you fail at twitter worse than ryan. lmfao
2 minutes ago from Tweetie

blackgoldmusic @brendonuriesays t9 hates you man
2 minutes ago from Tweetie

brendonuriesays omg ryan how do i delete?! i'm new to this! i'm sorry :(
1 minute ago from Tweetie

thisisryanross @brendonuriesays BRENDON WHAT THE FUCK? I DIRECT MESSAGED YOU FOR A REASON!!1!
1 minute ago from web in reply to brendonuriesays

shanesonaplane @thisisryanross @brendonuriesays ....oh my god.
less than a minute ago from web

TheSpencerSmith @thisisryanross @brendonuriesays i am disowning you both. -jon walker
less than a minute ago from Tweetie

TheSpencerSmith @thisisryanross @brendonuriesays spencer says he is, too. -jon walker
less than thirty seconds ago from Tweetie

zackdft @thisisryanross @brendonuriesays thanks for making my job that much harder.
less than 10 seconds ago from Tweetie

Brendon bounds out of his bunk at top speed and slams into Ryan at his computer. "Oh my god, sign out! Sign out, sign out, sign out!"

"I'm fucking trying, okay! You're the one that can't send direct messages properly. It's not my fault you don't know to delete your mistakes from your stupid phone!" Ryan screeches, arms flailing as he swats away Brendon's trembling hands grappling for control of Ryan's laptop.

"Oh my god, what are you using? Dial up?!" Brendon huffs, eyes still wide and there's sheer panic blazing behind them.

Miraculously, Ryan is successfully logged out of his Twitter account and Brendon immediately types in his username and password, fingers jittery. Ryan groans and flops back on the couch as Brendon's page loads quickly and says, "Dude, there's no use. There's probably screen caps all over the internet by now."

Spencer cackles from the kitchen table and shows his phone to Jon, who doubles over on the floor.

"What's so funny?" Ryan sighs, rubbing his face. Spencer tosses Ryan his phone and Ryan reads:

Direct from petewentz: ...tell me that did not just happen?

"Oh, shit," Jon sighs from the floor, wiping his eyes. "That is simultaneously the worst and best way for you guys to come out to the fans."

Ryan groans again and Brendon silently closes Ryan's laptop, head bent and mute. Ryan sees his hunched shoulders and guilty demeanor and when Brendon looks up, it's with sad eyes and right at Ryan. "Sorry," he says gently and a piece of Ryan's heart maybe breaks off and falls to the pit of his stomach. "I- I just started using Twitter and I wasn't sure how to reply to you correctly and- I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."

There's a silence for a moment and Ryan observes Brendon, toes digging into the ground nervously, bottom lip clenched between his teeth and eyes staring at his hands. Ryan's heart sighs when Brendon glances up at him with a look that is expecting Ryan to yell some more. Instead, Ryan stands, grips Brendon by the wrist and drags him into the bunks again, Brendon chanting, "Ryan, please. I'm sorry, okay? I promise, I didn't-"

When Ryan slams the door to the front lounge, it rings quietly within the silence that follows.

"Ryan," Brendon begs, trying to take the sides of Ryan's face in his hands and apologize correctly. "Ryan, please, just listen. We can fix this, okay? We've done it before, we- Jesus Christ!" Brendon opts not to finish his sentence in favor of praising Ryan for having dropped to his knees in order to take Brendon's entire dick into his mouth, only gagging a little bit. "Oh, fuck. Ryan, you-"

"It's your turn, remember?" Ryan breathes heavily when he slides his mouth off of Brendon, lips already red and beginning to swell. He licks the head of Brendon's cock and slides his hands up the back of Brendon's legs when the tremble his tongue creates crashes through Brendon's body. "Because apparently me sucking your dick is so important that you have to tell the entire world via Twitter."

"I didn't mean to, Ry," Brendon presses, still trying to argue his apology. "I didn't- Shit! My god, your mouth, Ryan. You-"

Ryan hums, mouth wrapped around Brendon's cock again and Brendon threads his fingers through Ryan's soft hair. It's getting curly again, needs cutting, but Brendon likes it this length. It's more fun to play with. Right now, though, it's better to grip and Brendon curls his fingers tightly around the sandy locks on the head bobbing just below his navel and comes with a strangled moan. Ryan laps it up, swallows all of it down thickly and tucks Brendon back into his boxers.

Brendon's eyes are glassy and hazy when Ryan reaches his eye level and he says, "If you tweet about this, I will kill you," and kisses Brendon softly, warmly, long fingers wrapping around the back of Brendon's neck before he goes back to the front to sign back in to his Twitter and observe the damage done.

When his page loads he sees he's got quite a few @replies consisting of "oh my god", "O___O", and "I FUCKING KNEW IT!". However, a direct message is waiting for him and when he clicks on it to read, he smiles.

thisisryanross @brendonuriesays consider all debts repaid. i love you, too.
less than 10 seconds ago from web

This definitely wasn't an accident.

flailing, s/a, fluff, otp, twitter fic, fic, epic twitters

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