i love this kid. no really, it's quite ridiculous. he's adorable and faily and precious and makes some horrible decisions but don't we all?
he's stubborn as fuck and won't take no for an answer, pete. he plays guitar with fingers that are slightly creepy but still totally nommable and he wears a guitar strap with owls on it. he dresses like an 80-yr old man but still has little tiny holes in his ears from when he was a badass teenager. he left his band but he's making amazing music with his friends and he gives me hope that i couldn't see a few months ago when my favorite band split. he has teeth that are rounded out and awkward, save for his fierce canines and his nose is the biggest mindfuck i've ever seen but everything about his face is adorable. he used to wear make up that i thought was extremely beautiful and he's bffs with a really awesome guy from another really awesome band. he lives in california and may or may not have given the world his exact location via twitter. he wears mis-matched socks and gets married at random intervals. he changes his clothing style every time he wakes up and he falls down when he runs from cars. he's written lyrics to songs i'll always love and every time he smiles hard enough to make his eyes crinkle, my heart explodes.
he's my favorite.
ily, ryro, bb :*