[Private - Written (90% hackable)]
I've been avoiding talking about it. I can't believe that I turned into...
Then what I did to Lavi! I nearly killed him and he wouldn't have known who did it. I know he was scared of me afterwards and I don't blame him. Between the Earl and the Fourteenth, I don't know who would have been better.
It's been raining so hard lately and all that thunder and lightning. I keep thinking that something bad is going to happen. It reminds me too much of the night when that Komuvitan-D got loose in the Order. Please, don't ask.
Does anyone feel like sparring when everything dries up? I don't want to lose my skills while I'm here. That reminds me...
It's harder to spar without having my Innocence. Does anyone else feel like they might lose their skills completely while they're here? Maybe it's one of those things you don't forget but sometimes I wonder.