so yeah... I'm here again. Being a vain little girl, because I'm unable to sleep. So you all get to see some pictures of me. Because that's what I do when I cannot sleep.
The Silver Dollar Crew. Me, Kasey (he went away though), and Eric
Me, Eric, and Breanne. Again, at the silver dollar. I work there now. Its great.
Crooked shot of the Buck... I do that sometimes...
Jager Bombs with the
Gunderson Guys
Me and Ian. He is the best... And I was drunk... :D
The rest are from my last photoshoot with Paul Hicks.
But other than that, I decided to quit drinking. And its a pretty good idea. I'm trying to save up some cash so I can move out. My sister is getting married very soon, and I'm excited. My new job os pretty cool, and I love it. I've gotten used to the drunks, and they now know how I work, which means no more throwing beer bottles at me. I still miss the Big Boy crew though... But yeah, that's all thats going on with me... so there you go. Not much...