1. What is the worst book you have ever read and why? 2. If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island and were only allowed to bring five things and two people with you, who and what would they be? 3. Do we make our own descisons, or is life already planned out for us? (a.k.a Do you believe in fate?) 4. What is your ideal profession? 5. Who would you nominate for president?
1) I can't really remember because chances are it was either for school or I just stopped reading it, but the summer I worked for a low scale editor we had to read some weirdd books that probably never should have been published. 2) Water, food, my cds, a stereo and a life Boat. I would bring Brad and Jay because they probably could keep me entertained for hours. 3)I don't know. If we do make our own desicions I suck at it and if life is already planned out for us I really need to speak to the plan maker because he sucks. 4) A professional napper ideally. 5) Jeremy.
1. Do you believe in life after death (i.e. Heaven, Re-incarnation, etc.)? 2. Who is your hero? 3. If you could control time, how many hours would there be in your day and why? 4. What is your perfect outfit? 5. Is World Peace a realistic possibility?
Comments 6
2. If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island and were only allowed to bring five things and two people with you, who and what would they be?
3. Do we make our own descisons, or is life already planned out for us? (a.k.a Do you believe in fate?)
4. What is your ideal profession?
5. Who would you nominate for president?
1) I can't really remember because chances are it was either for school or I just stopped reading it, but the summer I worked for a low scale editor we had to read some weirdd books that probably never should have been published.
2) Water, food, my cds, a stereo and a life Boat. I would bring Brad and Jay because they probably could keep me entertained for hours.
3)I don't know. If we do make our own desicions I suck at it and if life is already planned out for us I really need to speak to the plan maker because he sucks.
4) A professional napper ideally.
5) Jeremy.
2. Who is your hero?
3. If you could control time, how many hours would there be in your day and why?
4. What is your perfect outfit?
5. Is World Peace a realistic possibility?
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