I don't deserve to be so fucking happy. It's a little scary, how perfectly everything turns out for me these days. Real life isn't supposed to be like this. This is only supposed to happen in movies. (Well actually, if it was a movie, I'd have a boyfriend by now, but I digress)
Every mark came back higher than I was expecting. Like, almost impossibly high. I ended up at, or above class average for every class, inlcuding Lnguistics (a B in that class was a total blindside, in a good way...I was expecting something more like a D.)
The night I got my acceptance letter, I had a terrifying premonition. That I wouldn't be able to hack it. I'd fail everything, and be forced to leave in shame. It was so strong, I could never forget it. But it didn't come true. Not even in the slightest. I've passed 1st year wth a 75% average. Which granted, is not an 80% average, but how many people do that, now really?
I totally managed to disprove my German teacher, who didn't think I would do well. A's in both halves of the class. Ha. Ich kann ausgezeichnet Deutsch sprechen!
I can't wait to get my pass crest and jacket bars. I didn't do it before leaving Kingston, but it'll be one of the first things I do when I get back. (Have to remember the name of the place that sews it on, though. I sure wouldn't want to do it myself! :P) .
My apartment for next year is an incredible deal. While others, in the SAME AREA are going for $400-$500/month, my rent is $341/month. Ordinarily, you'd think that would mean that the place is a total dump, but it's not. It's very small, but clean and bright. My room is in the front and has a window overlooking Brock St. My housemates (an Engineer and a Con-Ed) seem pretty nice so far. I can't wait to go to Ikea and get some furniture...I have it all picked out online XD (I totally admit, that was like one of the first things I did after signing the lease XD)
And Trevor...gods...how could I have imagined, when I clicked that link for the first time, what he would come to mean to me? I mean, not in a creepy way, but in a nice way. I couldn't have imagined, when I first saw that video, that in two years time I'd be casually chatting with him about Queen's jackets and tams. Or that he would be giving me exam advice (well, slightly warped exam advice.) Or that I'd ever be something more than a face in the crowd. I still kind of can't imagine it...yeah, maybe they aren't the best known band out there, but they are a presence in the Canadian Music Industry. They're not nobodies. They have thousands and thousands of fans, all over the world (yes, the world!). They've performed with the ESO, the CSO, on Parliament Hill, England, Australia, etc...and yet...T knows me. Me! Who am I? No one! But he knows me. And dare I say it, he likes me.
Nanowrimo...hard to believe, I almost didn't do it in 2007. Slightly-less-hard to believe that I almost gave up, 5 days in. I HATED it at first. Thank GOD for my overdeveloped sense of pride, which would not let me quit. Because even though 2007's novel (The Starflower Saga) was horrendous, I discovered that I actually loved Nanowrimo after all. It's not an easy thing to do, true, but it's SO rewarding. And now I'm possibly poised to take over as ML for Kingston this year. (Although 2007's novel cannot be found here, you CAN see 2009's novel, as well as part of another I'm working on, at
http://www.scribd.com/croomej DK, what can I say? Without it, I wouldn't have taken German, and discovered a language I'm actually good at. I wouldn't have met some awesome people all over the world. I also probably wouldn't find moustaches strangely attractive now.
So in summary, my life is pretty damn amazing.
Now if only the Worms would come back to the GTA this summer...and Trevor doesn't shave his head ...but I have a bad feeling he's going to...