Title: Holds On
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Blood, medical stuff
Summary: Dethklok's usual mayhem takes a turn for the worst.
“Skwisgaar?” he asked, his voice wavering. “Maybes we cans takes that breaks now?”
Skwisgaar looked up to see a very pale and shaky Toki slowly make his way out of the recording booth.
He rushed forward, and was just in time to catch him as he collapsed to the floor.
Fortunately, the younger guitarist was already coming around by the time Skwisgaar caught him. He blinked and frowned, as if wordlessly asking How did I end up on the floor?
“You's all rights?” Skwisgaar asked lamely.
“I's...I's fines,” Toki said. He tried to push himself into a sitting position, but hissed with pain and fell against Skwisgaar, who helped him to his feet. The Norwegian wavered unsteadily, then limped to the couch and sat down heavily. The painkillers were wearing off, and the burning aching pain was seeping back into his bones.
“I's gonna takes a fucking nap,” he muttered, his eyes slipping shut.
“Nots heres, Toki,” Skwisgaar said. “You can'ts sleeps heres. Whats if Nay'tens or Pickle comes ins? You wants them to sees you like dis?”
“No,” Toki sighed, his pride resurfacing. He looked away in shame as Skwisgaar handed him his crutches, then painfully got to his feet.
The walk back to Toki's room was slow and silent. The younger guitarist just focussed on putting one foot in front of another, a task that in his present condition took up most of his concentration. He was never so glad to see his own bedroom.
“Turns around,” he muttered to Skwisgaar, as he stripped off his shirt. “Don'ts wants you to sees me likes dis either.”
The blonde pursed his lips but did as he was told, only turning around as he heard the matress rustle, and Toki's squeak of pain as he moved too suddenly. Silently he handed Toki the orange bottle of painkillers, and frowned when the younger man shook about six pills into his hand and dry-swallowed them.
“Ah...Toki,” he sighed. “I hates seeing you takes dat many pills.”
Toki shrugged. “Pickle takes way mores than dat.”
“Ja, but Pickle takes them because he ams wantingks to. You's taking thems because you ams hurtingks.”
Toki didn't know how to respond to that, so he simply lay back against the pillows and closed his eyes. Skwisgaar nudged the nighttable out of the way with his foot, then sat down by the head of the bed. He could just see the top of the ugly scar on Toki's abdomen, marring the toned muscle and tanned flesh, and he swore that if he ever found the fucking jackoff dildoes that did this to Toki, he would murder them with his bare hands.
He shook his head. Six months ago, he would not have been having these sorts of thoughts about Toki. Funny how near-death changed your perspective of a person.
“Skwisgaar?” Toki broke the silence, speaking in their Nordic pidgin. “Was I dead?”
For a moment, Skwisgaar wondered if Toki had been reading his thoughts. “Go to sleep, Toki,” he said. He did not want to think about that.
“No, I really need to know. Charles won't tell me anything. Did I die, Skwisgaar?”
He sighed. “Ja. On the Dethcopter. For about ten minutes.”
“I see.” There was another long pause, and then, “I think I saw something. Something I wasn't supposed to see.”
“What are you talking about?”
“When I was...dead,” Toki said. “I saw...a man in armour, with a shining crown of skulls. And I saw Nathan there, and Pickle and Murderface...and you, and me. I think there's something out there, Skwisgaar. Bigger than you and me, bigger than Dethklok...bigger than Odin, maybe. But it's got it's eye on us.”
Skwisgaar felt an uncomfortable shiver go down his back. “Bigger than Dethklok, hah! Nothing's bigger than Dethklok, you should know that by now, but maybe you should tell Charles what you saw just in case.”
Toki yawned. The painkillers were kicking in real good now. “You think so?”
“Ja. I do.” He couldn't explain it, but it sounded like something Charles needed to hear.
“Well, maybe later, okay? I'm tired now.”
“Ja, okay. Later.”
“Will you stay here for a bit?” Toki asked hopefully.
“For a bit,” Skwisgaar agreed. “Now go to sleep.”
* * *
Four hours later, Charles knocked softly on Toki's door, then opened it. When the two guitarists had failed to show up for dinner, he'd grown concerned. Finding Skwisgaar's room empty, Toki's was the next logical place.
The two Scandinavians were sound asleep.
Without saying a word, Charles silently closed the door.