This is mostly C&Ped from a Facebook group I just made. Props to
jencallisto for keeping me in the know, as well as in the relevant links. The fact that I'm making it a public post might tell you something about just how pissed off this made me.
If you have a paid account, think carefully about giving them any more money.
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Comments 7
Seriously, just because LJ won't step in to stop people from hurting themselves and from encouraging others to hurt themselves doesn't make LJ (or 6apart) evil, merely disinterested. While both the pro-anorexia communities and the larger "let's hurt ourselves to be cool!" meme have to die horrible flaming deaths, LJ gets to keep being LJ specifically because they only step in to enforce things when there is criminal activity.
Also, LJ employees collectively are retarded, just like any other largish group of people.
Relaaaax. Or at least take your fight to the pro-anorexia people directly.
I don't give them any money anyway, though...
(hey, if the MPAA says so, it must be true, right?)
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