Shaking again.

Feb 28, 2006 05:35

All I have ever wanted was for you to leave me alone, you intolerable cretin.

In retrospect, actually, I don't forgive you. I have shed more tears because of your psychotically cruel actions and dictations than everything else in my entire life. You are the foremost representative of the tyranny that is all I stand against. You have done more to ruin my life, and consequently the life of your own daughter, than anyone else on earth. You are the most outstanding argument against the existance of any God that cares about his people that I have ever known. I have spent hours wailing to no one that cares in my shower, crying endlessly, wondering if there was any light at the end of the tunnel. I still wonder because of you.

Up until recently, I had always assumed that you were the cruel, intelligent type, but you have shown me that your cruelty was that of a misdirected vigilante with no idea what the hell you're actually fighting for, as you focus entirely on convincing yourself of what you are fighting against. You are typically senile and set in your own ways, to the end of outright ignoring the blatant truth to avoid opening your mind and listening to reason. You have spent so much time turning your mental image of me into the embodiment of Satan that you have no grasp of reality.

Every time either of us thought, "There's no way she could be that crazy!" You amazed us both, foiling our attempts to see each other through the wall of restraint you imposed on your daughter's life. You peek in doorways, expecting not to be seen. You hire neighbors to keep watch for people coming and going from the house. YOU STALK HER FROM PLACE TO PLACE. You will never trust, or truly care for anyone but yourself. You have gone through more, at your own and your daughter's expense, to ruin as much of her teenage years as possible than I could have ever imagined.

As far as Christianity, I consider myself much more of an authority than you. You use it as a way to fortify your self-righteousness, as an end-all "Holier than thou" trump card that functions only within your own, deranged little mind.

As for the name-calling

You are a trifling, idiotic fascist tyrant. You are the scum that still clings to the earth after decades of betterment have passed you by. You are the face of hypocrisy, of oppression, of unfounded vendettas and ultimate self-righteousness. You are the worst failure, the most pitiful excuse of a parent, I have ever known and hopefully ever will know. I hope to raise a child someday just to prove to myself that no one can cause their own flesh and blood as much misery as you. I can't believe you would ever dare sink to such a pathetically low level as to sneak into her room while she's away to FLAME ME OVER AN INSTANT MESSENGING SERVICE because you're too much of a fucking coward to say anything to my face. You work behind my back, doing everything you can to bring misery upon both of us.

You claim to be scared of me. A troubled teenager, and you are the entire source of my trouble. We fell in love when no one else would love either of us. She's the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm one of the best things to happen to her. You are the worst on both ends. I doubt you have ever loved anyone. She is scared of you, because you rule with fear, as a tyrant. You impose strict punishments and dangle her car over her head if she dares consider talking back or expressing her thoughts against your regime. I don't hate you, but I will never forgive you. Your "fear" of me is just another excuse you use to bolster the resolve of your foundless hatred. That you made just as many, if not more, mistakes during your teenage years only amplifies your complete hypocrisy. You make me sick. I have puked just trying to comprehend what goes through your mind. I want nothing to do with you. I never have. Get the fuck out of our way and my life. I never did anything to, or wanted anything from you, and yet you have committed more monstrosities and demanded more things from me than anyone in my entire life. Begone. Be a memory of a pathetic time long in the past, a subtle reminder of how terrible people can be and nothing more.

"Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by fear of punishment, and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived from fear of punishment."
-Mohandas Gandhi.
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