Hello i just joined

Oct 31, 2005 18:37

I am mostly Egyptian and gypsy. I am from Canada but now i am living in Japan, I just joined today. No i cannot speak Arabic and no i am not muslim. But i can speak espanol. I am agnostic. Here are some photos.
I have never been to Egypt but would like to one day.

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Comments 8

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nancie November 7 2005, 06:42:26 UTC
which cities?


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nancie November 21 2005, 10:38:54 UTC
me too!


tearznheaven October 31 2005, 16:36:24 UTC
welcome...i am also middle eastern, but dont speak arabic or am muslim :-)


nancie November 7 2005, 06:42:34 UTC
where are you from?


space_hippies October 31 2005, 18:08:32 UTC
Beautiful pics!! thanks for posting!!


nancie November 7 2005, 06:42:51 UTC
thankyou you are so nice!


space_hippies November 7 2005, 14:34:20 UTC
Thank you for the compliment!! You are very nice as well!! *hug*


nancie November 21 2005, 10:41:31 UTC
thankyou hun!!!
... )


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