1. Name, age, location:jake, 15 los angeles CA/ knoxville TN ( i travel between knox and la every 6 months)
2. Since we don't really give a fuck list 3 of your favorite bands: Nirvana, Black Sabbath, Beck
3. 3+ Favorite movies: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Liar Liar, Shawn of the Dead
4. List of other favorite things/items. (entertain us):TiVo, beacause it makes life easyer and i dont have to sit through Cialis commercials "You'll Know When the Time is Right", My guitars, because with out them it would be very quiet in my house, and my iPod, for times when i dont have my guitar on me.
5. A few interesting facts: Well, i like pie. All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey, and the sky is grey. Sorry Simon And Garfunkel on the brain, ive lived in la for almost 10 years, i came out here when i was 6 from tennessee, and no, i dont have a southern accent, oh and im an insomniac, so i dont really sleep much at night.
6. Ambitions & aspirations: when i finnish high school, im going to go to USC in CA, and study Film, ive grown up around the industry and have always had an intirest in it. when people ask me what i want to be when i grow up i simply reply "alive"
7. What do you want out of your life?: what any other man would want, love, wealth, world dominance, happiness, a fully lived life, ya know, the normal
8. suck up to the mods:well i went to school with tat, she is cool
9. Who do you think is the ugliest member? (include picture and username): every one is goodlooking to my perspective
10. Pick the hottest girl member and the hottest boy member and tell us something nice about them. (include pictures and the username) (do not pick the current King and Queen):
ray has always been hot, but my hands always ended up written on when im around her.
and this guy can do my hair doo better than i can
11. 5+pictures OF YOUR FACE! and one body shot. we don't like FAT FUCKS!:
12. 60x45 picture for the members page:
my friend made this for me