Yes you are smart enough!! High expectations don't help, but you will pass with flying colors!:) OH, so if I totally run out of cash in Asia, I can come out to Perth to make a quick buck in mines:))
Net, tol'ko esli misleno:) I'm leaving at the end of October. I'll be rested and poor, so some hard work for quick buck sounds perfect :) What are they mining for there?
wow! nice! keep in touch for sure! if you feel like getting back to civilization-- come over this way! you can definitely crash at my place. as far as mining, there's bunch of stuff they mine here. check out tghis link:
Slushaj, isvini chto sprshivau, and please don't take it personally... A ty kto? bez fotki ne mogu ponyat', dazhe pochitav tvoi entries... A v Avstraliu tochno priezzhaj! :) budu ochen' rada gostyam!
da, da! bylo u menya na eto podozrenie! :) glad you are reading my blog! priezzhaj v gosti! kak u tebya zhizn'? napishi mne! kak ty tam spravlyaesh'sya so vsem?
Comments 8
OH, so if I totally run out of cash in Asia, I can come out to Perth to make a quick buck in mines:))
I'll be rested and poor, so some hard work for quick buck sounds perfect :) What are they mining for there?
A v Avstraliu tochno priezzhaj! :) budu ochen' rada gostyam!
(нинка я! твой руммэйт из беркли! :))
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