so I've been replaying crisis core for completion lately and
I just got the strangest bug
it was on a mission on the ship thing, and I got into a fight with two enemies... one of which was on THE OTHER SIDE OF A WALL, so I couldn't hit it and it couldn't hit me
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BEEN WORKING MY WAY STEADILY THROUGH CRISIS CORE and I am getting the sense that I am doing shit in the wrong order but the main plot is plowing on anyhow so I suppose that is ok. It took me seriously until like halfway through chapter four to figure out how to do missions, and then about a chapter after that to figure out I could go out and, like
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PSP ARRIVED IN MAIL TODAY have charged it up and started fiddling with it. Played Crisis Core for a few minutes. Since I've never actually gamed before other than occasionally killing myself spectacularly and repeatedly in Super Smash Brothers at parties, my reactions so far are limited to "how does I play game" and "gosh the cutscenes really like
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Dear new fellow lab grunt: when you tell me you know how to do something, I would like to be reasonably assured that you actually know it. If you don't, please let me know. I swear I will not bite your head off for not magically knowing something that isn't taught in the standard entry-level courses okay? You're a freshman, it's perfectly fine
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HAY GAIS I bought a PSP off of Jet and it gets here in five days or so. I have never gamed before.
Recommendations plz?
Also also. So. I went out and bought a used copy of Crisis Core in a fit of excitement at a Gamestop but before I got to the Gamestop (which was nice if a bit small)
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INTERNET DEAD SINCE YESTERDAY EVENING. DON'T KNOW WHY. WILL BE BACK WHEN I'M BACK I can check email on my Kindle but that's about it right now. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
FIX'D although verizon hasn't called me to tell me what was wrong like they said they would but. OH WELL. I HAVE INTERNETS.
This entry was originally posted at
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...only, I've just moved into my new apartment and I have no internet until, hopefully, Tuesday. UNTIL THEN, STAY STRONG, MES AMIS. DON'T BREAK THE INTERNETS WHILE I'M GONE.
I have been having such body issues lately. I have been, for the last few days, unable to get to sleep earlier than, like, five in the morning. Last night I cooked myself a big plate of noodles and eventually went into a five-hour food coma. I just woke up. Hopefully this'll tide me over for today and I can sleep at a sane hour tonight
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So I have been having these. Bouts of insecurity lately along the lines of OH GOD I AM BEING OBNOXIOUS AND TWITCHY AND ERRATICALLY PEDANTIC TO EVERYONE AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I'M EVEN TALKING ABOUT EVER and I. Yes. If I've actually been annoying anyone with my flailiness lately, I apologize
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