Last night I had the priviledge of talking to the man who just might be, the coolest person on earth.
Here's the convo.
angelo [2:55 PM]: ill put somethin in your box but its not gonna be a frog
Froggie In A Box [2:55 PM]: ok
Froggie In A Box [2:55 PM]: there's a problem though
angelo [2:56 PM]: u do have one
Froggie In A Box [2:56 PM]: problem solved
Froggie In A Box [2:56 PM]: i guess
angelo [2:56 PM]: lets fight
Froggie In A Box [2:56 PM]: ok
Froggie In A Box [3:03 PM]: why arent we fighting yet?
angelo [3:03 PM]: cause ur pussy
Froggie In A Box [3:04 PM]: oh man
Froggie In A Box [3:07 PM]: cause ur pussy
Froggie In A Box [3:07 PM]: that was awesome...
angelo [3:07 PM]: it was man
Froggie In A Box [3:07 PM]: best night of my life
angelo [3:07 PM]: nice buddy icon cracked egg thats cool
angelo [3:08 PM]: your a homo i hear
angelo [3:08 PM]: i hear u listen to the faggot emo music
Froggie In A Box [3:08 PM]: Ya hear that eh? Is that why you IMed me?
Froggie In A Box [3:08 PM]: yeah, I listen to faggot emo music
angelo [3:08 PM]: i imed u cause i let my boxers in your moms room
angelo [3:08 PM]: i need them back
angelo [3:09 PM]: left*
Froggie In A Box [3:09 PM]: You IMed me blatantly stating that you wanted to have sex with me.
angelo [3:09 PM]: and i still do
Froggie In A Box [3:09 PM]: "ill put somethin in your box but its not gonna be a frog "
Froggie In A Box [3:09 PM]: So you're coming out of the closet to me?
angelo [3:09 PM]: nope tryin to help u realize the truth
Froggie In A Box [3:10 PM]: ur layme
Froggie In A Box [3:10 PM]: no, fuk dat, ur gya
Froggie In A Box [3:10 PM]: fagit
angelo [3:10 PM]: im gya
angelo [3:10 PM]: thats right
angelo [3:10 PM]: u guessed my name
angelo [3:10 PM]: im gya from nj
Froggie In A Box [3:10 PM]: yea u herd me, gay fugin losa
angelo [3:10 PM]: nice to meeet u
angelo [3:10 PM]: u can spell
Froggie In A Box [3:10 PM]: u talk wit a lithp u fugin fagit
Froggie In A Box [3:10 PM]: type wit 1 2
Froggie In A Box [3:11 PM]: I thought we were talkin like the cool kids?
Froggie In A Box [3:11 PM]: all the "u"s threw me off...
Froggie In A Box [3:11 PM]: anyways, who might this be?
Froggie In A Box [3:14 PM]: Come on, don't you have a quick-witted answer? I'm dieing for more after that boxers in my mom's room one
angelo [3:15 PM]: listen up you faggot ass motherfucker
Froggie In A Box [3:15 PM]: there it is!
angelo [3:15 PM]: your a gay fucking queer who listens to emo music and was more than likely raped by his fucking father when he is 5
Froggie In A Box [3:15 PM]: holy shit! encore!
angelo [3:16 PM]: you listen to emo to escape the terrible realities of your past childhood and now no one feels sorry for you
angelo [3:16 PM]: nor does anyone care about you
Froggie In A Box [3:16 PM]: I listen to way more than emo buddy, my ass remains untouched
angelo [3:16 PM]: you could be laying in the gutter and no one would give a fuck about your sorry, lame, pussy fucking ass
Froggie In A Box [3:16 PM]: Your right, my musical tastes have ruined my life, set me on the right track, what's the GOOD music?
angelo [3:17 PM]: no
angelo [3:17 PM]: your life predetermined your musical tastes
angelo [3:17 PM]: but of course you choose to deny it
Froggie In A Box [3:17 PM]: My life is fine
angelo [3:17 PM]: and im sure it is
angelo [3:17 PM]: is that your escape?
Froggie In A Box [3:17 PM]: What? having a decent life?
angelo [3:17 PM]: insuring yourself that everything is ok?
angelo [3:18 PM]: that when you wake up the next morning, all the problems will be gone. well your birth was a fucking problem and so are you. go fucking die maggot
Froggie In A Box [3:18 PM]: Actually, my escape is arguing with ridiculous losers who IM me randomly
Froggie In A Box [3:18 PM]: hahaha
Froggie In A Box [3:18 PM]: that's incredible
angelo [3:18 PM]: your entitled to your opinion. but im not the one act night who worries about who i really am... so maybe you should take a look at who the loser maybe, or the faggot child who no one could give a fuck about whether he lived or not?
Froggie In A Box [3:19 PM]: You make it out as though I'm the insecure one, yet you're too hung up & afraid to tell me who you are, or what makes you so great? possibly because there's not much? *shrug* your call
angelo [3:20 PM]: i find it funny also how you speak about this "life" of yours. because you and i both know it's nonexistant
Froggie In A Box [3:20 PM]: hahahahahaha! oh man, you're too awesome, keep 'em comin
angelo [3:20 PM]: so go to sleep, tell yourself everything is going to be ok. and keep living your pathetic life you worthless, piece of fucking shit
Froggie In A Box [3:20 PM]: look at what you're saying, you're absolutely pathetic
Froggie In A Box [3:21 PM]: you don't even know what you're talking about, your just spewing senseless shit on & on
Froggie In A Box [3:21 PM]: you've already gotten yourself in to a senseless rant, it took you what, 2 minutes to start repeating yourself?
angelo [3:22 PM]: im here to ruin you
angelo [3:22 PM]: or what's left of you
Froggie In A Box [3:22 PM]: haha
Froggie In A Box [3:22 PM]: You've got a long ways to go
angelo [3:22 PM]: which isn't much... we all know that
Froggie In A Box [3:22 PM]: What does that even mean?
Froggie In A Box [3:23 PM]: You're absolutely retarded
Froggie In A Box [3:23 PM]: Go die, fucking maggot
Froggie In A Box [3:23 PM]: your life is pathetic
angelo [3:23 PM]: now the moment ive been waiting for lol... to laugh... so i can fucking laugh at you lol.. haha die... fucking die in a ditch, a hole, somewhere where no one can see you
Froggie In A Box [3:23 PM]: you're annoying me to escape your own harsh life because noone cares about you
Froggie In A Box [3:23 PM]: and you have bad taste in music
Froggie In A Box [3:24 PM]: and your life is worthless
Froggie In A Box [3:24 PM]: and there's not much left to you
Froggie In A Box [3:24 PM]: and noone cares about you
Froggie In A Box [3:24 PM]: and blah blah blah
Froggie In A Box [3:24 PM]: bitch bitch bitch
Froggie In A Box [3:24 PM]: moan moan moan
angelo [3:24 PM]: hahahahhaa
angelo [3:24 PM]: lol it's funny to see how much it bothers you
Froggie In A Box [3:25 PM]: I couldn't care less
Froggie In A Box [3:25 PM]: I'm sitting here laughing hysterically
angelo [3:25 PM]: you helped me realize that my time spent was actually worth it ;)
Froggie In A Box [3:25 PM]: it's been a pleasure for both of us :-D
angelo [3:25 PM]: lol
angelo [3:25 PM]: more for me
angelo [3:26 PM]: because im not the one arguing
angelo [3:26 PM]: you are =) !
Froggie In A Box [3:26 PM]: If you insist, frankly I never knew there was an argument to begin with
angelo [3:26 PM]: there wasn't
Froggie In A Box [3:26 PM]: Is this a lover's quarrel?
Froggie In A Box [3:26 PM]: That's kinda gay
angelo [3:27 PM]: until you started to try to state that my thoughts do not affect you
angelo [3:27 PM]: lol
angelo [3:27 PM]: i'm sorry bud
angelo [3:28 PM]: kinda lost you there ;P
angelo [3:28 PM]: a lover's quarrel? LMAO
angelo [3:28 PM]: what kind of homosexual faggot speaks like that
angelo [3:28 PM]: lol dude... you know you have problems
Froggie In A Box [3:28 PM]: Dude, yanno what lol backwards is?
angelo [3:29 PM]: backwards... yeah... are you referring to the direction your life started to head on the day of your birth ? ;p
Froggie In A Box [3:30 PM]: Yep, that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about
Froggie In A Box [3:30 PM]: My terrible, worthless life
Froggie In A Box [3:30 PM]: which is why I listen to emo
Froggie In A Box [3:30 PM]: to escape
angelo [3:30 PM]: exactly
angelo [3:30 PM]: to be gay, sad, and alone
angelo [3:30 PM]: and listen to a bunch of other whiners
Froggie In A Box [3:30 PM]: to be gay, sad, and alone
angelo [3:30 PM]: crying about senseless shit because they are not men to deal with reality
angelo [3:31 PM]: exactly.
Froggie In A Box [3:31 PM]: to listen to bands that suck because they aren't punk rawk enough
angelo [3:31 PM]: i see your understanding me now, your making me proud ;P
angelo [3:31 PM]: punk rawk? lol no thanks
Froggie In A Box [3:31 PM]: ska? hxc? c'mon, gimme a genre
Froggie In A Box [3:32 PM]: i just want to be set onthe right path
I IMed him once more after that but he already signed off...
But then again, I'm not worthy of more amazing conversation with him... Noone is.
Hope you enjoyed.