Title: Wandering Thoughts
semisweetsoulFandom: Brothers & Sisters
Character: Kevin Walker
In the DarkPrompt: #4 Long dark night of the soul
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing for a minute or two.
Notes: Written for my claim at
drabble123. Set after 2.01. I took paragraphs from my first and never published fanfic, and reworked it to bring you this.
Wandering Thoughts
After Jason left, Kevin lost his bearings. Not in a million years, did he imagine missing Jason that much. At nightfall, his overwhelming sorrow took control.
He had said ‘I love you’ to someone he barely knew, but was more than positive he loved.
Each time he said it, things went wrong, hideously wrong. Maybe that was the reason why he kept using circumlocutions or euphemisms, he liked very much, he had feelings for, he cared about, but never he loved.
Jason and he shared more than the agonizing fear to have a brother fighting for the country over there, they shared the memory of telling the people they loved something they probably did not want to hear or at least did not expect to hear. Robert McCallister and he had something in common; they both loved Kitty and Jason deeply and wanted them to be happy and secure.
Jason and Robert had the same look, the same blue eyes only with one exception. When Robert looked at him, Kevin perceived shame, embarrassment and disappointment, when Jason did, Kevin perceived tenderness, love and support; what Kitty certainly saw in Robert’s eyes along with self-confidence and the burning thirst for power.