Title: The One Where Tyler Is Scarred, But Still Happy for Cameron
Fandom: The Social Network
Disclaimer: This is a work of pure fiction. I don't own anything involving Facebook, the movie 'The Social Network', nor any of the real people mentioned in the fic even though I'm using their movie-verse counterparts.
Rating: 15+ Some language, one sexual
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Comments 5
And ha! I thought your icon looked familiar. I'm working on a fill for you, actually, the one where Eduardo gets pregnant and isn't sure who the father is? Don't get too excited because it's a little different than the prompt asked for, and I'm not sure how long it will take me, but so far it's like 2000 words and there's a lot more to go and it basically follows the same plot the prompt asked for.
I'm very interested about how people write the twins relationship and yours is very deep and beautiful
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