Just general vague permissions-esque stuff here...
Hiding all the tl;dr behind a cut. Herp derp.
Threadhopping with this character? I'm still getting used to what these concepts actually MEAN, but chances are that as long as they don't affect the roleplaying too much, I don't mind. (Will probably end up doing it myself.)
Backtagging with this character? Again, getting used to the concept (may edit this when I have a better idea) but I don't think I'll have a problem.
Hugging this character? Go ahead! Just don't expect him to enthusiastically respond, especially if he doesn't know your character. He'll be quite anxious, really. (Once he warms up to you - assuming you can stand him long enough - he'll probably be much happier about it.)
Kissing this character? Again, go ahead! He'll react rather badly to random kisses, even those from handsome men, due to aforementioned anxiety with relationships. It'll probably be situational though - you might want to talk to me first if you're planning this for whatever reason.
Something more intimate? I have absolutely no problems with this, but Robert certainly will - he isn't the type to have random flings without at least knowing the person fairly well (and if your character is a woman it'll be much harder to convince him). You're more than welcome to try, though! Talk to me first for clarification.
Relationships? I'd be happy to do this, but it will take an EXTREMELY long time and a lot of convincing before Robert will be emotionally capable of having a relationship. If you still think your character wants to give it a shot, go ahead. This might take a lot of OOC bothering-me to make it work, though.
Attacking this character (provided he can fight back)? Uh, well, he won't fight back. And can't. At least not anytime soon. You can still do it though, but I'd definitely prefer to know about it first.
Injuring this character? This will be very easy to do, so if you're doing the above you'll probably be doing this as well. I don't really mind too much; I just want you to discuss it with me beforehand.
Killing this character? Uh... I still am not sure what Death Penalty I'd give Robert. But realistically I don't mind him dying (and he probably will a lot :|) as long as we talk beforehand and work out the effects of it.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned around this character? Nothing at all! Say whatever you like to Robert, he can take it. Hopefully without screaming. *shot* Just expect to get a science-y lecture if it's even vaguely irrational, at least for awhile before Robert gets settled into Luceti.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? He's rational and logical out the wazoo, gets obsessive easily when he isn't distancing himself from things to protect himself, and is a lot lonelier than he'll ever admit. In short, if your character manages to get close to Robert, expect him to get fairly clingy for awhile. Robert does enjoy learning (a lot) and teaching others, provided he doesn't get all pedantic with them and piss them off, and provided they seem willing to learn, so that might crop up occasionally.
Anything else, just bug me for info~ I'm only too glad to answer questions, and I know that since Robert's my OC, you can't just type his name into a search engine and get a few dozen fansites explaining his every facet of existence.