
Aug 16, 2021 12:40

I've decided to start the long process of shifting my earlier icons from Photobucket to LJ. I have three PB accounts and there are close to 8000 icons held hostage in just the one account. As you can imagine, this will take some time. In all likelihood, I'll do my favourites and leave the rest to their fate. Or I'll become bored and abandon the ( Read more... )

icons, moomins

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Comments 2

shirebound August 16 2021, 22:11:19 UTC
I hope you can shift all of your favorite icons. I gave up as lost my old photos and icons on my free PB account a few years ago, and don't have the energy or interest to try to retrieve any of them.


semyaza August 16 2021, 23:09:04 UTC
As far as I know, one of my accounts has almost nothing on it and the other has mostly non-icon images. All of my icons and photos are backed up here and there but finding them is more work than downloading everything from PB and having it all in one place. I started putting my icons in LJ's Scrapbook about half way through my icon-making phase so those are done. It didn't take long to download the icons from PB but matching them with the posts is tricky. The non-medieval ones are easy as there are fewer of them. It's not that anyone wants them; it's just that I hate to see the posts with PB's watermark all over everything.


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