Honestly, I really disagree with that article. I remember being five and reminding my mom not to forget my little sisters (I don't know why - protective older sister instinct?). Even when I'm incredibly busy, stressed, and sleep deprived I can remember to do simple things like feed the cat or let the dog out - and animals are a lot more capable of looking after themselves than babies are
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I'm not arguing on most of your points, I just don't see how you can check the locks in your car, but not check over your shoulder to see if your kid is still there. It doesn't require thinking about your kid ALL THE TIME, it requires adding something to your autopilot. Considering the demographic this usually happens in (white, middle-upper class) I find it difficult not to see this as the tragic conclusion of two self-centred people deciding they need a McKid to fill out their Perfect Suburban Life(tm), and not being willing to make the sacrifices necessary for the health and continued survival of the kid
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Except the article mentions quite specifically that this happens across demographics. The people they spoke to or reported on were middle class or upper, but that may be because these are demographics more likely to accept an interview.
A friend of mine, who is a police officer in the States as well as a parent of two very nice little boys had the following to say on the article:
I have been on many sides of such incidents save, thankfully and by the grace of God, directly. I have twice been the first officer at the scene when the victims were found too late, once barely a mile from where I live; I have been there in time to shatter the glass and avert the tragedy, when strangers found the victims the parents had overlooked. I have found one myself, in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and done the same
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Comments 10
I have been on many sides of such incidents save, thankfully and by the grace of God, directly. I have twice been the first officer at the scene when the victims were found too late, once barely a mile from where I live; I have been there in time to shatter the glass and avert the tragedy, when strangers found the victims the parents had overlooked. I have found one myself, in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and done the same ( ... )
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