Ishta, grant me strength. A lone Batarian female shuddered against the wall. Moments ago she was dancing, wondering which of her master's business partners would have her that night. There was a shot, blood and pandemonium.
She ran, naturally. She wasn't the only slave on board. She heard the mutterings of the disgruntled slaves worked with. By decree by the Hegemony, if one slave made an attempt on their master's life, all his slaves would be punished. She wondered if she would be vented, cremated in the atmosphere as her corpse fell out of the sky.
She was jolted from her thoughts as she heard heavy footsteps down the corridor. There was a voice, but it was indistinct. "Trankvilu!" The voice called. "Ni no volas vundi vi!"
The meaning was lost, but she knew who spoke that language: The invaders. Earth folk. The devil she knew was bad enough. The devil she didn't may be even worse. As the next opened with a loud crack, she made a run for the escape pods. But as she ran, she felt her appendages stiffen. Her skin was glowing. No, it was a ME field. She was trapped!
The Earth folk surrounded her and picked her up. She heard them chatter as they picked her up. When the field disappeared, she felt a sharp pain in the leg. Then everything went black.
She awoke on a cot in the corner of an empty room. There was a large mirror taking up most of the wall. One way glass , she surmised.
Moments later, a Batarian walked in. His omni tool glowed a soft orange. "Shamura?" he asked in a calming tone. "I took the liberty of scanning your chip."
"Wh -- where are we?" Shamura asked timidly.
"We are in -- a human base." Shamura's flinched instinctively. She blinked.
"The Hegemony has been ramping up attacks on human trade routes. The humans want information. The Hegemony is a closed book to the humans. I told them that they ought to find someone like you.
"According to your identification chip, you were an engineer. How did you end up as a slave on that ship?"
Shamura told him her story. She was an engineer for a smuggling vessel. The pay was excellent. She even had a slave of her own. Then her ship was attacked. They had been running guns out of caste, and for that she became a slave herself.
The Humans were not terrible to her, which surprised her. The Hegemony had lead her to believe that humans were hostile to Batarian kind. They provided her with food, a new omni-tool, and even a few holovids for learning human Galactic common. They wouldn't give her a gun. When she was able to ask one of the white and yellow uniformed guards for a VI in the common tongue, she received one soon after. She reconfigured the VI's appearance to an eel-like creature found on Kar'Shan. It had a nasty bite, soon she'd configure it to have one too. But the humans wouldn't give her the necessary tools.
She had been settling in well. The humans had moved her from the interrogation room to living quarters. Now she was able to roam freely around minimum security area of the facility. She was able to communicate in a limited capacity to humans in the cafeteria. They wouldn't talk about their work, but they regarded her with curiosity.
The Batarian who first questioned her returned often. They would talk about Kar'Shan and the Hegemony, her former master's dealings and her capabilities.
One day the Batarian asked, "Would you like to go on a mission?"
The humans needed more intel, and they wanted to raid another vessel. They'd give her a gun, and the parts she wanted for her VI. She readily accepted. She was ready to leave the station finally.
They were to board the Kishar, a Batarian smuggling ship Doing runs for the Blue Suns. Guns and red sand. They were headed for Omega but would be intercepted after a supply stop at some out of the way supply depot.
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