1.Where do you go to school/where your live? I go to school in the gresham/portland area of Oregon. GO BRUINS!!!!
2.Sports you play/extracurriculars? I've done a lot of different sports, but for my high school only tennis, and now track. I have been on a rowing team for Portland (not my high school) for awhile, and I am taking a break from the crew team for track right now. I also have a part time job at a big sporting goods store as a cashier.
3.How are you going to enjoy your senior year? Honestly, I don't enjoy school that much. I LOVE spending time with my friends, and it makes me sad that next fall we are all going to part :( But for now, I'm enjoying partying it up when I get the chance, and having more freedoms than I've had in the past.
4.Where are you applying/or what are your plans for post graduation? I'm enlisting in the United States States Air Force!! w00t. I'm really excited. I'm enlisting in July in order to be a bridesmade in my cousin's wedding in August. I'll be leaving anytime after August I'm thinking, but it could be up to a year...most likely not though. Anyone else here joining the military after graduating???
-not the best pic I know. I'm the one in the tan zip up.