I actually have some time to post these! I feel like we missed the opportunity for some good discussion the past few weeks.
source: nja@2chan
translation: sheetz @
FLOL291 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2010/03/30(火) 20:51:06 ID:hMrPZ5ie0
Ichigo is troubled by what Aizen was going to tell him about being "a shinigami and a..."
Isshin head butts Ichigo and he goes flying.
親父と殴り返し なんか戻ってこれたって感じがする
He hits Isshin back and them Isshin(?) says something like, "So you were able to recover."
んでどうだったか忘れちゃったけど 親父が愛染に襲い掛かり吹っ飛ぶ愛染
And then I don't remember how it happened, but Isshin attacks Aizen and Aizen is blown away.
Ichigo swings his sword at Gin.
Gins says, "Its been a long time," then suddenly
市丸が 卍解
Gin goes bankai.
The end.
More from Nja:
Oh yeah, I remember.
After Ichigo is blown away Isshin goes after him and disappears.
愛染さん 気配を完全に消したか~
Aizen: "All traces of him have disappeared?"
で市丸さんが後ろから現れ 助太刀しようかとも思ったんですが~とか
Then Ichimaru appears behind him and wonders if he should help out.
They're conversing about how Gin joining in wouldn't make a difference when Isshin and Ichigo attack.
I will (hopefully) be adding more when/if we get it.
I see a lot of people fearing that Gin will go the way of Tousen now that he's using his bankai, but I still smell a set-up for more Ichigo training/self-discovery time. While his mask has changed, we don't really see much of a power difference noted aside from Aizen saying that he gained a power-up. Plus, it would be hard to think that Gin is actually doing something against Ichigo of all people without some kind of order or hint from Aizen in the first place.
It's already a week past the deadline, and there's only 2 entries. I've been really busy lately, so I apologize for not being able to better keep up with the contest. If there's anyone working on the contest entry and still needs more time, please comment here. I'd hate to suspend this contest again (or re-start altogether) with people already having managed to write an entry for this round, but the response hasn't been so great.