Not that I need classes on the subject, but hey. I never pass up an opportunity to share!
1. What constitutes the act of sex?
Uh... well, that sort of depends on who's definition we're talking about here... I'm pretty sure there are some prudes out there who'd think holding hands counts... Usually it's more the Insert Tab A into Slot B sort of thing, though.
2. Are there different types of sex? If so, describe them.
If I did that, we'd be here all night. C'mon, they sell books on this stuff for a reason... 'course you have to look twice before entering the shop and know what to ask for but... uh. Anyway.
1. List three myths or urban legends about sex or contraception you know are untrue.
Pulling out is a 'get out of trouble free' card.
You can't knock up a virgin.
That jumping up and down thing (never made sense to me anyway).
2.Can a woman get pregnant if she has sex during her period?
Not something I have that much experience with, but fate is cruel, so I'm gonna say probably.
3. Can a woman get pregnant after she engages in anal intercourse?
Uh... I don't think it works like that. Not that it's ever come up, in my personal experience.
4. Can a woman get pregnant if she has sex with a race of humanoid besides her own?
I've got no idea, but man, better play it safe than sorry later, right? You could end up with kid with twenty toes or something...
5. Is it possible for men to get pregnant?
Not unless he's one real special dude...
1. List all forms of contraception you are aware of.
This isn't exactly my area of expertise, I gotta admit.
2. Do you know what the effectiveness level of these contraceptives are? If they are used in combination?
Pretty shitty, to be honest... Makes me glad I'm a guy.
3. Are you aware of any risks involved with their use?
Well, aside from, like... losing one? You know what, I don't even want to think about it.
4. Do you know where to acquire any of these contraceptive devices?
Uh, you just gotta know the right person to ask.
5. Who should you consult before using them?
Besides the person you're bumpin' uglies with, you mean?
1. What is a sexual disease? How are they spread?
One of those things you catch from the girl on the corner that makes it burn when you take a leak.
2. List any sexual diseases you are aware of.
They've all got those fancy medical names I can't pronounce.
3. How can you prevent contracting these diseases, or minimize the risk of doing so?
Don't buy hookers.
4.Are there any treatment options available?
A few, I think. Not for all of them, though. Dunno, never had that problem myself.
1. Do you find the subject embarrassing? Why or why not?
Should I? I mean, everyone does it, right?
2. How often do you engage in it? Do you think that is normal?
As often as I feel like it. I don't keep a diary or anything... that would just be weird.
3. Would you feel comfortable discussing the subject with any future romantic partners?
I guess? I dunno. Girls don't talk about that stuff.
5. What are the benefits of masturbation? Are there any negatives?
I would think the benefits are obvious. The only negative I can think of is getting caught by your mom.
6. List any urban legends or myths you have heard about masturbation.
The usual crap, you'll go blind, you'll grow hair on your palms... that kinda BS.