Tales of Adventure and Woe: Gerbils

Nov 21, 2010 10:18

Once upon a time there was a lonely girl named Sen who thought a pet could keep her company.  Her house was very small and Sen was very busy with school, so she thought a Gerbil would be perfect.  Gerbils are small and curious rodents who like to run around and explore.  They also don't eat a lot so they are very easy to take care of. 

Sen owned her Gerbil for a few weeks and he made her very happy.  She named him Hall, since she got him the day before Halloween.  He was black, soft and fuzzy, and he liked to crawl in her sleeves.

But Hall's cage was very small, because Sen could not afford a very big one for him.  One day, her nice Landlord gave her a guinea pig cage that she could use so Hall coul exercise.  Sen thought Hall could play in the big cage, and sleep in the small one, since the small one would be warmer at nights.  Hall seemed to like this idea at first two.

Then Hall realized he liked the big cage better.  He had more toys and more room to run, but he could not escape the little cage.  Then, on one fateful night he had an idea.  Hall began to squeak and twitch and hit his head against the cage.  Sen was worried, she had never seen a Gerbil do this before.  She opened the cage to get a better look at Hall and see what was wrong.  Hall watched carefully as the cage lid was lifted.

Then, quick as a flash, Hall used his water bottle as a step ladder and leapt out of the cage.  He was free!  Sen was stunned and put him back into the cage.  It was bedtime after all.  Hall stared up at her, then began to squeak and hit his head against the lid of the cage.  Sen was horrified and opened the lid before Hall got a concussion.  As soon as she did, Hall escaped the cage again.

The battle of wits went on for what seemed like a millenia.  Hall would keep escaping and Sen would keep putting him back, Hall getting more clever and nimble with each escape attempt.  Sen knew that she was beat...

And that is how Hall got to stay up a few hours past his bedtime to play in the big cage. 

gerbil, pet, tales of adventure and woe, real life, hall

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