Title: iPod Madness - part I
Warnings: Fluff, angst and utter madness. Involves other characters than just Kakashi and Iruka from Naruto
Rating: Safe
A/N: I finally decided to let my iPod run on rampage and wrote these lovely little ficlets. Oh, and the ficlet/song 6, it really happened. My friend had just randomly decided to compete, which car has
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Comments 21
A merry minstrel with his fingers fast
Playing his lute charming every lass
Joins the troop with a glitter in his eye
"Shall I find fame - or shall I die?"
- Senna-chan
A wonderful collection of very different moments. Somehow I became instantly curious about the background of 4)... the idea that someday there might be a day (and perhaps not even this far in the future) when ninja became meaningless in the world of Naruto... interesting touch with the ambiguity of the minstrel's identity and immortality!
The #4, the idea for it came from this:
A merry minstrel with his fingers fast
Playing his lute charming every lass
Joins the troop with a glitter in his eye
"Shall I find fame - or shall I die?"
The song itself if pure love-metal, fast and beautiful and the lyrics are full of fantasy, as you can see. The minstrel's identity was a surprise to me, too, since I was really debating between Kakashi or Iruka. In the end, it was the "glitter in his eye" that made it clear the ficlet was about Kakashi.
Also, ninja are the people of shadows, and now even more. The immortality... Well, it suited the song and it only seemed fair they'd get something in return from lifetime of servitude.
- Senna-chan
And thank you. It only seemed proper to honor Jiraiya with such beautiful song. I recommend to listen it.
- Senna-chan
- Senna-chan
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