I think the time has come to find Chuck the worlds biggest roomie a new job. Chuck is normally a kind and gentle person For those of you who haven't met him, he is 5 foot 22 inches tall and can probably bench press a medium sized car
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One entry found for puissance.
Main Entry: puis·sance
Pronunciation: 'pwi-s&n(t)s, 'pyü-&-s&n(t)s, pyü-'i-s&n(t)s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French pussance, puissance, from pussant able, powerful, from poer to be able, be powerful -- more at POWER
I found your extra S, it was in the lint trap in the dryer.
My elderly aunt and uncle could use a fellow about the house to do chores, prepare meals. He'd need to be strong to put up with their iron willed resistance to any help whatsoever (thus causing an ambulance to be called more than once).
i unfortunately have nothing in sight, particularly not without you losing your roommate to vancouver and particularly not something physical, as i am a call center monkey myself. ...though come to think of it, the construction business in vancouver is booming.
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