It had all started on the catwalk, which had made it seem innocent and harmless enough at first. After all, who really could ever walk a catwalk without wanting to occasionally break out into some
Right Said Fred? It was simply Chad who decided to go for it, being too sexy for his shirt, his cat and, eventually, this song.
"I mean, Chad's always been very musical," Rebekah told the confessional. "That's part of why we like him. But it started to get really, really...odd. Like when he started bouncing around to
Madonna, and then suggesting
ice cream for breakfast...I mean, I love ice cream for breakfast. Singing about it is a little...different."
"He said I was
beautiful!" Dianna beamed at the camera. "Well, actually, he sung it. It was so sweet! Chad is so nice! And he's a good singer, so I mean, he's good at it, so that makes it okay that he wouldn't shut up all day. He even sang in
Japanese! Or maybe it was Chinese. I don't know. It was hot, though."
"And?" Brenton looked incredulous. "No, Chad, I do not want to go with you to
gay bar, stop asking. Really! I don't want to! At all! ...Because I'm not gay!"
"I think," Jon offered, "what really made it clear that something really weird was going on was when he went all
flashdance on us, right down to using Viki's water bottle to cool himself down."
"The guy is just weird!" Viki insisted. "When it was his phone time and he went to call his boyfriend, ohmygod, I swear, he was belting
Closer at the top of his lungs. It was so gross."
Brenton: ", that was ho-- I mean! Seriously. Keep it in your pants, dude."
And then there were some guitar riffs.
"Great, he's at it
again. What time is it? ....It's only three in the afternoon? And he's been at this all day? *BEEEEEEP*"
[[ yeah, like I could refuse this. NFI, but OOC welcome! ]]